Thursday, March 3, 2022

Essay on marijuana

Essay on marijuana

Do not be afraid to expand your topics and link various data together while keeping in mind an academic approach. The most notable among these states are the District of Columbia and six other states. Marijuana producers understand that they are not under a close public control and may behave irresponsibly. Myers, L, essay on marijuana. The documentary espouses a number essay on marijuana reasons […].

�� Most Interesting Marijuana Topics to Write about

Some of you may remember the famous words of Barack Obama who said that the use of marijuana is not more dangerous than the use of alcohol and tobacco, essay on marijuana. While it may be true to some extent, people have various opinions about it, which makes it one of those controversial topics to write about. Unless you are coming from Jamaica or try to live the life of a rock star, you might be among those who believe that some dangers of using marijuana are still present. Also known as Cannabis, it is one of those psychoactive drugs that are mostly used for medical or recreational purposes, essay on marijuana.

Basically, it has! The use of Mary Jane has always been around and already became a part of the culture that seems to have a mind-altering essay on marijuana on people depending on their immunity and the amount. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, essay on marijuana will always depend on what cannabinoids you will use because there are softer and harder substances that come into play. Since we are talking about the herbal background, it has always been around essay on marijuana this form or another from the essay on marijuana that were smoked to the herbal tea with the soothing effect. Leaving the rock stars and the reggae community aside, it must be said that we have some people who are pro or against the recreational use of marijuana.

Starting with the Brits, we have John Lennon, George Harrison, and Richard Branson. The American list includes such personalities as Seth Rogen, Ed Rosenthal, George McMahon, or Ben Masel to name a few. Adam Eidinger, for example, even went as far as giving marijuana for free to let people try it out, essay on marijuana. Speaking of those who are against the practice, we have Steve Zabawa of Montana and the organizations like CALM Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana or "Parents Opposed to Pot". Since it is one of those influential and controversial topics, college students like to engage essay on marijuana hot debates regarding the pros and cons of marijuana use.

It helps to find the truth, share personal stories, and determine the dangers. It can be done as a part of the essay on marijuana culture, as a way to explore the medical side of things and more. Likewise, you can focus on some historical points as you work, which can easily become a great addition to your coursework or a nursing reflection journal. Do not be afraid to take risks and provide statistical information or share audio recordings as your multimedia sources as you talk to people from both sides of the dispute. Think about writing an explanatory essay or starting with the compare-and-contrast writing by choosing marijuana as your topic of choice.

Since the majority of students will engage in fierce debates over the legalization of this particular drug, it will also stimulate the young people to research the topic in a better way and find sufficient justifications and statistical information. Likewise, you can look at some samples in our database to get some initial ideas for your college work. The most important is to provide information regarding both sides and support each argument pro or against with a credible source. Contrary to the popular belief, the topic of marijuana represents a serious problem not only in the United States but all over the world. Unfortunately, it became a political issue as well while it should have been a medical challenge to prove the dangers. If there are dangers involved and mind-altering implications, it cannot be considered safe just as the medication, which easily becomes dangerous when too much is being consumed.

This problem can be addressed with the help of essay on marijuana research, which is why it is so important even for your college writing tasks, essay on marijuana. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. At the moment, much of the debate revolves around the safety of the illegal drug trade and how it is handled by law enforcement. As you can imagine, there remain a myriad of angles from which you can write an essay about marijuana. To get a better sense of how to write your essay, check out some samples of papers on essay on marijuana to base your outline, essay on marijuana. From there, formulate an introduction, body and conclusion to make one of the best essays around.

Read more. apply filters cancel. Most essays are graded by GradeFixer's experts, essay on marijuana. Sentence Structure, essay on marijuana. Evidence and Details. Cannabis is cultivated commercially or grows wild in warm and tropical areas all over the world. This plant, the material to make marijuana, has appeared for a long time, the scientists have found that the Chinese used cannabis seed as one of their food sources Cannabis Marijuana Medical Marijuana. Cannabidiol, Cannabinoid, Cannabinoid receptor, Cannabis, essay on marijuana, Cannabis sativa, Hashish, Hemp, Tetrahydrocannabinol. Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.

Extracts can also be made from the cannabis plant. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit Alternative Medicine Marijuana Medical Marijuana. Cannabaceae, Cannabidiol, Cannabinoid, Cannabinoid receptor, Cannabis, Cannabis sativa, Cannabis smoking, Hashish, Hemp, Medical cannabis. Drug addiction is a big issue the government deals with all over the world, every culture has a tradition of consuming narcotic substances. Marijuana Marijuana Legalization Medical Marijuana. Cannabis, Drug, Legality of cannabis by country, Medical cannabis, Pharmacology, Tetrahydrocannabinol. Drug addiction is something societies all over the world rarely accept. Drug Addiction Marijuana Marijuana Essay on marijuana. I hope simple definitions have allowed you to have a clear idea of boundaries.

Drugs Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. Benefits of Marijuana, Prohibition, Psychoactive drug, Recreational drug use. Cannabis is a natural plant in which has many chemical properties. With such properties, under human consumption it alters the human experience and effects placed upon man. With such natural abilities, essay on marijuana, it creates many potential benefits in which provides better solutions to non-curable diseases, safer Marijuana, or cannabis, is a psychoactive drug that alters the mind. It is a harmful substance that heightens perception and affects the mood of individuals due to its main ingredient, THC.

Recreational cannabis has been legal in Canada since the passage of the Cannabis Act Drug Abuse Drug Addiction Marijuana. It comes with many great benefits, such as being a treatment option essay on marijuana depression, it is fun and calms you down. Therefore, countries have legalized it for medicinal use and some have Cannabis Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. Cities like Delhi and Mumbai are positioned among the globes top 10 cities essay on marijuana the most increased rates of cannabis marijuana or weed consumption every yearessay on marijuana, according essay on marijuana a study by Seedo, an Israel-based firm that sells such technology which help people grow marijuana Introduction Pot, grass, dope, Mary Jane, boom,ganja, weed.

Formally known as Cannabis it is classified as a cannabinoid drug of which should be legalized for recreational use inside the democracy of Australia. The purpose of speaking upon this topic is to not advertise It has been almost a year now since Canadian government has legalized marijuana last year October. The Canadian government has enacted the legalization to control the production, distribution, sale and possession essay on marijuana cannabis across Canada by creating a strict legal framework. The policy is also Marijuana grows in different parts of the world, and the initial production of the non-psychoactive hemp supported the development of essay on marijuana. At the start of the 18th century, Europe was introduced to marijuana when it was brought to the continent by Indian and African travelers, In the United States of Americapeople die each year from alcohol-related causes.

Most of the causes are, essay on marijuana, drinking and driving, crashes, other accidents, falls, fires, and alcohol-related homicides and suicides. While prescription painkillers cause thousands of overdoses which leads to deaths each year Drugs Legalization Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. All Americans have their ideas on legalizing marijuana, yet they need to make sure they have done considerable research using past experiences the American people have already experienced from using this drug; also they need to take a good look into what the actual outcomes Marijuana is a double edge sword.

While having some benefits to the health essay on marijuana, it can have detrimental health effects on long term user. Many developed countries such as Canada, Austria essay on marijuana the United States has increasingly adopting and legalizing marijuana for medical use. Drug Addiction Drugs Marijuana. Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, is the most active substance in cannabis. It gives a mind-altering experience to the user that differs with their mood, the strain of marijuana, and the amount consumed. This chemical binds to receptors in the brain and supplies the high. But even after Drugs LSD Marijuana. The first legalization of marijuana was in by the states of Colorado and Washington. Marijuana is part of the Schedule 1 drugs, which is defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.

But for Colorado and Washington, Marijuana Essay on marijuana Legalization. Essay on marijuana, Cannabis, Cannabis sativa, Global Marijuana March, Hashish, Legal and medical status of cannabis, Legality of cannabis, Legality of cannabis by country, Legalization, Marijuana Policy Project. Cannabis is a medication that is continually being discussed everywhere throughout the media. There is steady discussion on whether it ought to be legitimized or not. Likewise, banter on if it somehow happened to be authorized, essay on marijuana, how they might make it work.

Every one of Cannabis, essay on marijuana, Cannabis sativa, Hashish, Pharmacy, Psychoactive drug, Tetrahydrocannabinol.

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The first one is through initiatives at the federal level. The second one is through nullification of the current drug laws at the level of specific states. Colorado and Washington are successful in demonstrating that it may be realized under current conditions. Thus, the second option seems even more realistic under current conditions. The empirical reality is such that all people are different. As a result, some choices of others seem to not be well-grounded or even irrational. However, this tendency is very dangerous. It threatens the essence of a democratic society and principles of peaceful cooperation among people.

As everyone may constitute a minority in some situations, everyone may be coerced. All other rights cannot be effectively enforced if human rights regarding their consumption habits are not recognized. Therefore, the question of marijuana legalization is especially relevant nowadays. Although the issue of potential marijuana legalization causes much controversy among the US public, an objective analysis demonstrates that the legalization of marijuana is the only correct decision that should be made. It will allow harmonizing the interests of all parties.

Consumers will enjoy lower prices and higher quality of marijuana. Moreover, they will be able to control quality and differentiate among producers choosing the most reliable ones. Efficient producers will be able to increase their revenues and operate in the legal environment. The government can obtain additional taxes and reduce its budget deficit. The rest of the population may also experience some positive effects because the overall tax burden will decline. Moreover, the social environment will become safer. Numerous empirical examples from different regions of the world show that the legalization of marijuana always leads to socially positive results decreasing crime rates and leading to other positive long-term effects.

Therefore, the legalization of cannabis is both a desirable and practical initiative. The practical steps towards this goal include the abolition of the War on Drugs and establishing equal rights for all US citizens. The current legal norms may be revised either at the federal level or through initiatives of specific states. The second option is even more attractive in the 21st century. If people do not initiate aggression against other members of society, the government and other institutions should not interfere with their actions. This is the foundation of a free society. The legalization of marijuana is an important step towards the complete realization of democratic principles in the US and other countries of the world.

If you are a freshman, you may not be familiar with what annotated bibliography presumes. The generally accepted rules state that annotated bibliography is a usual writing task which entails the enumeration of all sources that will be utilized the research paper according to their relevance to the discussion of the topic. It is not that easy to write annotated bibliography on the legalization of marijuana. Therefore, if you need any kind of writing assistance, do not hesitate to contact us as we employ the most diligent writers to work on your annotated bibliography.

Whenever you decide to write your brand new annotated bibliography, do not forget that you have to list all sources and analyze their content indicating their central arguments. Moreover, in order to get good grade in your project, you have to select only credible sources, not random websites with anonymous articles on your topic. It is a widely known governmental publication that offers explicit information about the use of medical marijuana. The first claim that reader might come across is that the usage of marijuana has drastically negative effects on our health and well-being in general. Moreover, it causes nothing more than negative behavior among individuals who have become cannabis addicts. Moreover, usually marijuana addicts are common students who skip classes and transform their way of conduct.

However, the research findings presented in the publication have sustained numerous changes since much has changed from Therefore, students are able to compare the results and findings of this author with the abovementioned researchers. Huba offered the documentation of various protocols that were gathered during the research of the topic. The book was published by the National Institute of Drug Abuse. In order to obtain the whole picture of effects of medical marijuana use, researchers must dedicate much their attention to the surveys, questionnaires and fill in the blanks tests that will help to get the needed data about the influences and impacts of marijuana usage.

Although ordinary people will show their reflection of the problem, this research will be indeed useful while conducting medical research. Medical research has to be closely related with the sociological research regarding legalizing marijuana. The author of the case study reflected on the hilarious case that approves the use of medical marijuana. In order to help her child become socially active and adapt to societal requirements, mother conducted experiments with different forms of treatment. All traditional psychoanalytic sessions did not help and mother even tried a great deal of drugs in attempt to decrease the cases of violent behavior. The most hilarious in this case that when mother gave medical marijuana to her son, DD behavior completely changed.

There were no more occasions with violent behavior, whereas DD got acquainted with new friends as if he was given a new lease of life. Moreover, he helped his classmates with home assignments. Nevertheless, this case study is very cognitive for those who would like to promote the use of medical marijuana in a more anecdotal voice. The author of the article wrote about marijuana addiction through the lens of neuroscience. Lester Grinspoon presented vivid and profound scientific data against the legalization of marijuana, which mostly causes nothing more than addiction. Author mentions about the connection of brain with THC, whereas our brain does not have a reward center. Thus, marijuana causes addition among its users.

The author shows specific examples on how this reward center works and presents its possible implications. Therefore, the topic of legalizing marijuana is presented from a completely different perspective. If you do not know how to write down all your ideas in annotated bibliography, please ask our diligent and talented writers to do it for you. In comparison to the abovementioned discussion of legalizing marijuana in the medical context, Erich Goode discusses the topic in relation to the political aspect. The author claims that some politicians make anecdotal claims about medical marijuana misusage, which do not have any scientific evidence.

Moreover, writer disproved some historically used notions that fight against the legalization of marijuana. Therefore, the article of Goode is very cognitive for those who promote legalization of medical marijuana, supported with relevant historical and political details on the topic. This article is very useful for those students who would like to present both advantages and drawbacks of legalizing medical marijuana and its usage among patients and common people. One may find numerous reviews of physicians from various scientific fields on the use of medical marijuana.

While promoting the use of cannabis, many doctors stated that it is indeed helpful and makes and indispensible element of the alternative treatment. Moreover, other drugs do not show such high efficiency rates in comparison to medical marijuana. Moreover, most physicians that participated in the research claim that this kind of treatment does not impact human health in a negative way, even of patients use medical marijuana on a permanent basis. Therefore, if students have not made their mind yet whether medical marijuana should be used or not, this is exactly the source to find all pros and cons and discuss the topic with more scientific details.

One more perspective has not been discussed — pharmacological. Redda Kinfe discusses the use of medical marijuana from a pharmacological perspective and provides vivid evidence on how it influences most of human organs, general behavior and brain in particular. Author gives explicit details on all processes that occur and are distorted in brain after marijuana usage. If you would like to disprove the use of medical marijuana based on the pharmacological standpoint, it is exactly the article you need to incorporate in your research paper.

If you do not know how to utilize evidence in your paper to support your claims, our custom essay writers are ready to assist you right now. The article is very cognitive as it offers the links between the patients with cancer and usage of medical marijuana. Research conducted by the authors is more than deep and profound as approximately 65, citizens of California with different types of cancer took part in the experiment. All of them were exposed to the daily usage of marijuana. Moreover, researchers paid much to other influences such as alcohol consumption and smoking among respondents.

However, researchers came to conclusion — people smoking marijuana believe to be exposed to a bigger risk of having cancer than ordinary citizens. If you would like to analyze the legalization of cannabis from a perspective of health conditions, this article must be taken into consideration. The author of the article discusses how fast medical marijuana transforms from the societal fad into the special treatment of patients with fatal and complex diseases. There are numerous facts that disprove the usage of medical marijuana on the societal level that are based on the cultural flaws. However, the aspect of legalizing marijuana must be discussed according to such categories as sex, health, demographics, etc.

Moreover, the article of Peterson Robert deeply discusses how marijuana affects the motor skills, work of all organs, especially brain. Therefore, if one desires to promote or disprove the usage of medical marijuana, article by Peterson will be highly beneficial for its presented data obtained from numerous researches. However, if you believe that you cannot effectively cover the topic of medical marijuana usage and its consequences, we offer you to buy a research paper from us right now and make your life easier.

It is the article which emphasizes on the importance of discussion marijuana usage from a historical perspective. how many US citizens used to be marijuana addicts in relation to the federal laws. Moreover, author mentions about historical analysis of occasions when medical marijuana can be used and when it must be completely restricted. Moreover, Tatiana Shohov compared the recreational and medical usage of cannabis and its adverse effects. Nevertheless, readers of the book will not find any hints on whether medical marijuana should be legalized or not. The author simply presented the key details on the topic, excluding personal opinions.

Therefore, if your task is to write a literature review or present background information on whether legalizing marijuana must be approved or not, the study of Tatiana Shohov will be suitable for your piece of writing. The author of the article dedicates much to the discussion of legalization of medical marijuana. In the beginning of discussion, Clark provides historical facts on the use of medical marijuana and its legal aspect. Clark mentions fact of the use of medical marijuana by various physicians in their practice, which were exposed to different studies. The author paid much attention to every case and the voting process among ordinary individuals. Clark mentions various cases about people against federal restrictions on the marijuana use. Clark states that this alternative form of medicine is highly effective for a number of cases, which means that government should be more loyal to the laws restricting use of medical marijuana.

Judging from the abovementioned, it is clear that it might be challenging to write a research paper on the legalization of medical marijuana due to various perspectives that exist in modern discussion. Therefore, why to spend days and nights on research if QualityCustomEssays. We will gladly help you with academic research, simply place an order online and wait for your paper! Research Paper on Legalizing Marijuana Introduction Nowadays medical and cultural aspects united with each other due to heated discussions dedicated to the use of medical marijuana. Negative Side of Medical Marijuana The use of medical marijuana must be thoroughly monitored as it can cause strong addiction among individuals.

Analysis First of all, it is necessary to examine the most widespread arguments against the legalization of marijuana and critically evaluate them. The first argument is that legalizing drugs may increase both the direct consumption of marijuana and affect the incentive structure of future generations encouraging them to use marijuana. However, the legalization of marijuana does not directly influence the demand for it. The real logical chain is opposite. The existing demand for cannabis causes its supply, and the most civilized environment for it is its legalization. Thus, the only incentive structure that is really changed is that of producers. As their risks increase, they will charge higher prices. Moreover, potential criminals will more likely to participate in this business.

Thus, the real consequences of prohibition will be very different from the initial intentions. The second argument is that the use of such drugs as marijuana may lead to the use of hard drugs. These relationships are not necessarily correct. From a statistical point of view, the percentage of hard drug users is higher among those who used soft drugs before in comparison with non-users. However, it does not mean that the use of soft drugs necessarily leads to the adoption of hard drugs. It is also possible that some people facing the illegal nature of both soft and hard drugs will decide to use hard drugs from the very beginning.

Individual liberties cannot be sacrificed on the basis that some government officials do not share the dominant values of some groups of society. The third argument is that the use of marijuana can create problems not only for its user but for other members of society. In particular, it increases violence and healthcare costs. However, this argument is also incorrect for several reasons. First, people cannot be punished on the grounds that they may potentially commit crimes. Only the objectively fact of violence or aggression can be punished. Otherwise, all people may be imprisoned as all of them can theoretically commit crimes in the future. The implicit assumptions of this argument directly contradict the principles of a free society.

Increasing healthcare costs should be covered by those people who demand additional services and should not be financed from additional taxes. This statement is partially correct as logical abilities of marijuana users may be affected. In any case, at the moment of the initial marijuana use, the decision of a given individual is rational, i. Moreover, other people are free to express their concerns or make recommendations if they wish. The only thing they cannot do is to use force in order to prohibit the use of marijuana if a given individual chooses to consume it. The final argument is that a government should not participate in any activities that harm health of its citizens. It seems that a government should concentrate on the protection of its citizens from both internal and external aggression.

As the use of marijuana per se does constitute any form of violence, a government should not prohibit it due to potentially harmful consequences. People should be free to make their choices about their health, and a government should protect their choices, but not aggress against them. The use of marijuana for medical purposes is supported by many experts. Need to buy essay writing? We want to make it all easier for you! Moreover, the War on Drugs is very costly to American taxpayers. Therefore, the entire system created by the current War on Drugs is fundamentally unfair and unjust.

Conclusion Although the issue of potential marijuana legalization causes much controversy among the US public, an objective analysis demonstrates that the legalization of marijuana is the only correct decision that should be made. Annotated Bibliography on Legalizing Medical Marijuana If you are a freshman, you may not be familiar with what annotated bibliography presumes. Here is just an example on how to write annotated bibliography: Shafer, Raymond. Marijuana — United States Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse. Washington DC: U. Government, Huba, George. Assessing Marijuana Consequences: Selected Questionnaire Items.

Rockville: Public Health Service, Grinspoon, Lester. Goode, Erich. One of the most well known and immediate effects of marijuana is relaxation. The moment you breathe in cannabis vapor, a flood of plant-based anti-anxiety compounds called cannabinoids travel through your blood and into your brain. There are two primary cannabinoids in cannabis worth mentioning. The second iscannabidiol CBD , which does not cause a high. Studies have shown that both cannabis compounds can ease anxiety and promote a positive sense of well-being. Marijuana can make you more creative. When you smoke herb, activity in a certain part of your brain increases. That region is the frontal lobe. In fact, within 30 minutes of smoking , this region is fully activated in your brain. This is the same region of the brain that is responsible for critical thinking and creativity.

Pain Releive When you feel pain, your brain is sending you a distress call. Fix it! Staminal It may seem odd, but the effects of cannabis and the effects ofexercise are really quite similar. After you workout, bliss-inducing chemicals like dopamine, anandamide, and serotonin are released in the brain. These compounds make you feel amazing. Appetite Eat-Less-Lose-Weight. Great food is one of the finest simple pleasures in life. We think it deserves to be appreciated. Weed can turn a simple meal into a smorgasbord of blissful flavors and aromas. Cannabis releases excess dopamine, which makes you feel pleasure.

It also mimics anandamide, which makes you feel happy and hungry. All in all, this herb makes you love the experience of eating. Long Term Positive Effect of Marijuana in our Health Nutrients As neuroscientist and author Dr. Michele Ross sees it, cannabis is vitamin weed. THC and CBD are some of the most powerful antioxidants out there. Antioxidants are essential for reducing environmental damage to our cells. Cannabis helps by delivering powerful antioxidants and checking back oxidative damage. Oxidative stress happens when there are more harmful free radicals than there are positive compounds to clean them up. Reduce Risk of Diabetes The impact of cannabis on weight gain and carbohydrate metabolism are certainly interesting. But, the herb seems to do a lot more than possibly help you look thinner.

The same study mentioned above found that cannabis consumers had lower fasting insulin levels than their non-consuming counterparts. Anti-aging As mentioned earlier, THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants protect us from DNA damage. DNA damage is one of the primary reasons humans age. As we get older, free radicals and environmental stressors spur the process of aging by damaging DNA. This damage is then copied as DNA replicates, causing subtle and sometimes not so subtle changes over time. These changes are expressed as aging. Negative Effect of Marijuana on our Health Nothing in life is perfect. As with all good things, consuming cannabis comes with some costs. From person to person, that answer will be different. Paranoia Many of us have experienced it.

When it comes to cannabis and anxiety , imagine an inverted bell curve on a graph. You smoke a little bit, your anxiety level drops down. You smoke too much of an incredible high-THC strain, and that anxiety can shoot right back up again. When you consume activated THC, you are taking a psychoactive substance. For newbie consumers, this can feel weird. When you are disoriented, your sense of place and purpose may seem bunk. This feeling can be very uncomfortable for some people. To others? The cerebral disorientation is enjoyable. Filled with laughter, a sense of peace, and a brighter outlook on the world.

As you become more accustomed to cannabis, this disorientation subsides. Studies have even found that regular medical users are able to drive and function more or less on-par with the average non-smoking consumer. Others find that they have an easier time focusing on work and getting things done. Your heart is affected the most within the first hour of smoking the herb. In fact, a Boston study found that your risk of having a heart attack is 5 times that of a non-smoker during the first hour. How does Marijuana Affect the Brain? Marijuana has both short-and long-term effects on the brain. Short-Term Effects When a person smokes marijuana, THC quickly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream. The blood carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body.

The body absorbs THC more slowly when the person eats or drinks it. In that case, they generally feel the effects after 30 minutes to 1 hour. They can also affect the brain and the patient stars experiencing the following.

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