Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Essay learning english

Essay learning english

And if we will elect one as a national language, people of other states will definitely oppose it. Today the scenario is English is everywhere, either it is a signboard or a name of a station, essay learning english is always bilingual. Most of us talk in our mother tongue at home but at the same time, we also speak some other language at our workplace, essay learning english. It is a fact that one should never forget his mother tongue; still one should learn English because it helps us everywhere. It is the official or semiofficial language in more than 60 countries of the world.

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After reading this article, you can write 1. The necessity of Learning English Essay or composition- suitable for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, JSC, 9, 10, SSC, 11, 12, HSC. The Importance of Learning English Essay Composition: We know that English is a global language. For lots of reasons, English has got the status of International Language, essay learning english. Everyone knows that the present age is an age of globalization. Anything produced, discovered in any part of the world gets global character or recognition very rapidly. To keep balance with the progressive world, we need to learn English. And also the globalizing process requires a common language for international communication.

For various reasons, English has achieved the prestige of the global language. Today over million people speak English as the first language. And over million use it as a second language. It is the official or semiofficial language in more than 60 countries of the world. Besides, essay learning english, many international organizations use English as a primary language. International organizations held their meetings in English. It is the most spoken language all over the world. When people of two different languages meet, they communicate in English. Again when two people of different languages need to communicate, they usually use English for better mutual understanding.

For its widespread use and acceptance, the English language plays the role of the common language well. The international business community widely uses the English Language. For communication across national borders, English essay learning english essential. For maintaining correspondence with overseas business parties or professionals, English is a must. Again English is important for higher education and also for specialized training. Because all the important courses are in English. Even most of the books on any subject are written in English.

The English language is the medium of any instruction in most universities. If we want to go to foreign for higher education, essay learning english, we need to know English. It is essential for getting a good job and also for better salaries, essay learning english. Many multinational business organizations and many international corporations want people who have knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in the local market also want English knowing people. English is a must for maintaining international relations and communication with foreign countries. It is the language of diplomacy, international politics, meetings, and conferences. In the technological world, English is essential for getting access to any information.

Almost any information is available in English. English is the language of IT and the internet. Without knowing English, anyone essay learning english find out information from search engines like Google, Bing, etc. All kinds of games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas, cartoons, and other media productions are available in English. Knowing English gives easy access to the vast resource of English literature. Besides, English helps to know about the cultures of other people, discoveries, inventions and lifestyles of other nations.

The importance of English cannot be denied. Knowing English is like having an international Visa. Anywhere in the world, English is useful and helpful. So, learning English is very important for everyone. Language is a method of contact by which we essay learning english exchange our thoughts with each other. Among thousands of languages, essay learning english, English has occupied the place of international language. English has numerous importance in everyday life. Firstly, English is an international language. That means it is used as a common language among people all over the world. If we go aboard for educational purposes, you must know English cause English is the medium of higher studies. Books of higher studies essay learning english written in English.

Moreover, essay learning english, a student can find a rich collection of lectures related to his study on internet in English. English helps essay learning english meet new people as it is lingua franca common language. But most research papers are written in English. So English is essential to do any research. It tells you where its people come essay learning english and where they are going. Most of the prominent media telecast their show based on English. It will also help a person to cope with different culture and literature.

In this internet-based modern world we must go to internet for information. But half of the content of the internet is written in English. Businessmen must know English for international trade and commerce. People should learn English for making a place in this modern world. But it is unfortunate that students of our country fear English. They think that English essay learning english be very hard to learn. It is because our education system fails to demonstrate English properly to our students. So, the education ministry should take proper steps in this regard. Then our students can make them compatible with the world. Save my name, email, and website in this browser essay learning english the next time I comment.

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Everyone knows that the present age is an age of globalization. Anything produced, discovered in any part of the world gets global character or recognition very rapidly. To keep balance with the progressive world, we need to learn English. And also the globalizing process requires a common language for international communication. For various reasons, English has achieved the prestige of the global language. Today over million people speak English as the first language. And over million use it as a second language. It is the official or semiofficial language in more than 60 countries of the world. Besides, many international organizations use English as a primary language. International organizations held their meetings in English.

It is the most spoken language all over the world. When people of two different languages meet, they communicate in English. Again when two people of different languages need to communicate, they usually use English for better mutual understanding. For its widespread use and acceptance, the English language plays the role of the common language well. The international business community widely uses the English Language. For communication across national borders, English is essential. For maintaining correspondence with overseas business parties or professionals, English is a must. Again English is important for higher education and also for specialized training. Because all the important courses are in English. Even most of the books on any subject are written in English. The English language is the medium of any instruction in most universities.

If we want to go to foreign for higher education, we need to know English. It is essential for getting a good job and also for better salaries. Many multinational business organizations and many international corporations want people who have knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in the local market also want English knowing people. English is a must for maintaining international relations and communication with foreign countries. It is the language of diplomacy, international politics, meetings, and conferences.

In the technological world, English is essential for getting access to any information. Almost any information is available in English. English is the language of IT and the internet. Without knowing English, anyone cannot find out information from search engines like Google, Bing, etc. All kinds of games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas, cartoons, and other media productions are available in English. Knowing English gives easy access to the vast resource of English literature. Besides, English helps to know about the cultures of other people, discoveries, inventions and lifestyles of other nations. The importance of English cannot be denied. Knowing English is like having an international Visa.

Anywhere in the world, English is useful and helpful. So, learning English is very important for everyone. Language is a method of contact by which we can exchange our thoughts with each other. Among thousands of languages, English has occupied the place of international language. English has numerous importance in everyday life. Firstly, English is an international language. That means it is used as a common language among people all over the world. If we go aboard for educational purposes, you must know English cause English is the medium of higher studies. Books of higher studies are written in English. It was when East India Company ruled India and as a result, they also forced us to learn their language.

It was when an Act was passed by Thomas Babington Macaulay, in which English education got compulsory for Indians. In this way, English got compulsory for us and it continued. Those who use to learn English were called mannered and sophisticated so, people started learning it. Although Britishers left us, we got habitual of their language; after all, they ruled us near about years. After some time, English became the only language that people understood all over the country because most of the south Indian states disagreed to accept Hindi as their official language.

As Britishers had all their Acts and rules in English, so we decided to translate it in our local language. But English was everywhere like our Education, Politics, etc. Although we are free today, we are not free in terms of language. Apart from the language itself, we have also adopted English culture. Change is good when it is beneficial for us. It is good in terms of the abolition of some hypocritic thoughts and culture. English made things easy and it is the beauty of a language that we can talk to anyone and visit anywhere in the world without any difficulty. English was a result of Britishers but when they left us it was totally our choice.

Today the scenario is English is everywhere, either it is a signboard or a name of a station, it is always bilingual. Not only Indians but also tourists from other countries feel convenient when they get information in English also. There are multiple benefits to this language, so keep learning and keep growing. India is a country where all Indians are equal and they are never discriminated in terms of their religion, language, or culture. So, while talking about their language it is quite difficult to select one language as our national language. As we know there are more than languages spoken in India. And if we will elect one as a national language, people of other states will definitely oppose it. Then what about English? India was a country where people use to speak different languages at different places like Hindi is spoken in the north whereas Tamil, Telugu, Malayan, etc.

in the south. Unity in diversity is the beauty of our country, and apart from these many languages, we choose 22 languages as our official languages. But Hindi and English are adopted widely across the nation. Now talking about the origin of English in India was the Britishers. As we know English is of two types one is American English and the other is British English. We follow British English just because the Britishers ruled us and gave us this language. It was Lord Macaulay, who wanted to make a well-mannered society in India. So, in the year , he passed an Act introducing the English language in our education system. English was also made as the official language of India. All the official work under crown and court were performed in English.

This was the origin of English in India and although Britishers left us, they are still with us in terms of language. As discussed, there are more than languages spoken in India and it was very difficult to select one official language after independence. Although Hindi is spoken across the country, people from the southern part of the nation strongly opposed Hindi as a national language. As a result, English was left as it is and the other 22 languages were elected. Today there is no official language of India but English has some significance. India is a developing nation and a language can completely change your life, just because it opens more options for you. Suppose you know your native language, you can only work nearby and when you know English, it automatically brings lots of options for you.

So, it is better to learn it. It is good to promote your native language but at the same time, one should also understand the market strategies. Learn English as a language and it will definitely help you.

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