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Spare the rod and spoil the child essay

Spare the rod and spoil the child essay

Spare the rod and spoil the child essay IvyPanda. attr 'src'. To make this method work my mom did not Just take any toy; she took my favorite toy, which made me behave so I could get it back. All rights Reserved. He also noted corporal punishment played a significant role in the scale of punishments used in school contexts Benatar Par. Save Time On Research and Writing. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them.

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The purpose of this argument is to determine whether corporal punishment is beneficial to children and their development. We have all experienced some form of corporal punishment whether from our parents or from our teachers in school. To majority of societies around the world, corporal punishment is the norm rather than the exception. The National Association of School Nurses NASN par. Corporal punishment is also defined spare the rod and spoil the child essay the use of physical force to cause pain to the recipient as a way of punishing their misbehavior. Corporal punishment might take the form of spanking, slapping, hitting, pinching or shaking.

To differentiate between corporal punishment and physical abuse, two factors have to be taken into consideration which is the intensity of the punishment and the intention of meting out corporal punishment. The intensity of the punishment refers to whether the recipient has incurred any extensive injuries as a result of the physical punishment. The intention of the punishment refers to whether it has been directed to teach or discipline the recipient Vieccelli and Ricas 2. The history of corporal punishment is viewed to be as old as human civilization. It can be traced back to the Middle Ages when children or adults caught in misconduct were disciplined by physical violence. In Middle Age England, the most common form of punishment was flogging which involved whopping or whipping the offender with a rod or whip.

This type of punishment was however abolished and banished in Baxamusa par. In the U. parents were seen to be the most common users of corporal punishment with spanking being their most common tool of punishment. Teachers were also seen to use corporal punishment in the early 80s when dealing with misbehavior in students by caning, pinching or slapping Child discipline par. It was also acceptable for teachers and school authorities to whip or spank children as a form of disciplinary action Baxamusa par. Some states in America have spare the rod and spoil the child essay corporal punishment by enacting laws that prohibit teachers from physically disciplining children. According to U. statistics,spare the rod and spoil the child essay, school going children were subjected to form of corporal punishment in the course of their studies.

This is an indication that the use of corporal punishment in schools has decreased by 18 percent when compared to the s. While many states have created laws to prohibit corporal punishment, other states have legalized it as a form of disciplinary action Baxamusa par. Their social skills within and outside the school are also affected as they are afraid to communicate what they want Richardson et al Corporal punishment has also been viewed to increase fear of reprisals creating educational barriers that lead to poor performance in school. Children who have undergone punishment also have a negative view of their school and also of the society making it difficult for them to integrate into their community.

Gershoff in her studies on corporal punishment has noted that this form of punishment has played an integral role in how parents discipline their children. Despite various countries adopting measures to prohibit the use of corporal punishment as a form of discipline, support for using corporal punishment in the U. has remained strong with 94 percent of parents and school teachers supporting the use of physical violence to discipline errant children Gershoff While there have been many negative effects of corporal punishment, there are scholars who have advocated for the use of corporal punishment in dealing with discipline cases. Child psychologists who advocate for the use of corporal punishment have noted that it is advantageous in that it is the only form of language that children will understand and react to.

This is especially so with children who have been identified to be problematic and reckless. Rather than pamper and spoil these types of children, psychologists have seen corporal discipline as a means of preventing children with poor conduct or behavior spare the rod and spoil the child essay degenerating even further to reckless behavior. For example corporal punishment deters repeat cases of misconduct and misbehavior. Children who are physically punished for doing something wrong are most likely to not repeat the offence in future. This can also be attributed to the instantaneous effect physical punishment has on children caught in reckless behavior. The use of corporal punishment has also been seen to restrain children from engaging in reckless behavior with respect to historical statistics which have shown that children behave well after they have been subjected to corporal disciplinary action Turner Benatar par.

Only the guilty offenders identified to have committed misconduct faced disciplinary action regardless of whether there were other participants in the misconduct case or not. He also noted corporal punishment played a significant role in the scale of punishments used in school contexts Benatar Par. Corporal punishment filled the gap that was created when other forms of punishment were used such as detention, spare the rod and spoil the child essay, suspension or expulsion. Another benefit of corporal punishment is that when used in the proper context, it initiates a change in behavior as the recipient will be deterred from misbehaving in future Benatar par. Victor par. He advocates for the sustained use of physical force on children with regards to the level of misconduct they have engaged in, spare the rod and spoil the child essay.

Benatar Par. This can be achieved by inflicting pain to the children in an infrequent manner and also ensure that the punishment is meted out in a non discriminative way so as to ensure there is no racial or gender bias. Corporal punishment should also observe due process and timing so that it can be justified. Due process will entail punishing the guilty parties while timing refers to whether the punishment will take place before or after the wrongdoing Benatar par. Corporal punishment spare the rod and spoil the child essay not necessarily have to be viewed as a negative form of punishment.

Through the use of appropriate restrictions, it can be used to discipline children who have been found to misbehave or have engaged in misconduct. Despite the many protagonists who have argued about the disadvantages of corporal punishment, this form of discipline can prove to be beneficial when dealing with cases of misbehavior, truancy or misconduct amongst school going children. Corporal punishment is an effective method of deterring detrimental behaviors in children who are still developing. It eliminates cases of repeat misconduct or misbehavior in children who have not responded to the other forms of punishment such as detention, suspension, reprimanding or expulsion. Benatar, D. Corporal punishment Gershoff, E. Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviours and experiences: a meta-analysis and theoretical review, Psychological Bulletin4pp.

National Association of School Nurses NASNCorporal punishment in schools Richardson, T. Child abuse and violenceNew York: Nova Science Publishers, Save the Children, Awareness campaign against corporal punishment of children in families, spare the rod and spoil the child essay. Turner, Susan M. Vieccelli, M. Need a custom Argumentative Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Spare the Rod or Spoil the Child: Outline. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Introduction History of Corporal Punishment Benefits of Corporal Punishment Conclusion Works Cited.

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Although boys react differently, parents should still talk to them as they talk to girls. Physical punishment, I feel, is Just as effective as any other discipline method. As I stated earlier in the essay, I threw temper tantrums when I did not get what I wanted and my mother took away privileges. That method was not always effective with me, and I nded up getting multiple spankings. In conclusion, disciplining your child is very effective but, it depends on how consistent parents are with doing so. Timeouts, taking away privileges, talking, and pankings are all ways that I feel are effective ways of turning a disobedient child into a well behaved child who follows the rules. All of my experiences with disciplining and being disciplined have been effective, if not with all the methods, at least with one of them.

When I become a parent I will use these same methods for my children. Hopefully as a mom I will not go through what my mom went through with me, maybe it will be easier. Work Cited Williams, Mari Jane. Opposing viewpoints in context. Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child Essay. com, Dec 05, Accessed January 7, com , Dec Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child Essay Topics: Child Human Nature Punishment Spanking. Essay, Pages 4 words. Get quality help now. Proficient in: Child. Cite this page Spare The Rod And Spoil The Child Essay. It is true that there are some parents that are overly strict and harsh, but the vast majority do not discipline their children, or they do so in a wrong or inconsistent way. This is perhaps true, but the spirit of the rule is more important than the method.

The rod itself can be used to torture and for cruelty. Therefore the person on the other end of the rod must be loving and wise. The wider and more common problem is that parents do not discipline their children. Often this is out of a desire to be liked by the child. But undisciplined children can quickly become exasperating to the parent. Even though the goal of the parent was to be nice, they will eventually lose their temper with the unruly child and do something to cause infinitely more harm than simple, consistent discipline done without anger, but only love. Indeed, this is the way our Father in heaven disciplines us Pr New to eCheat Create an Account! CLICK the BUTTON to the RIGHT! Need a Brand New Custom Essay Now?

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