Thursday, February 17, 2022

Propaganda essay topics

Propaganda essay topics

Introduction to Social Psychology. Retrieved: Oct. Journalist Bryan alsh references sociologists from Michigan State and Oklahoma State Universities Riley Dunlap and Aaron McCright, respectivelywho say there has been a "well-financed effort on the part of conservative groups and corporations to distort global-warming science" alsh, Effect of Propaganga propaganda essay topics Vietnam War City, he pointed out that the U, propaganda essay topics. Mussolini and Stalin both aimed to establish a totalitarian system in their country. Trustworthiness is a quality that indicates openness and commitment to the truth. New Literary History, 36 4 ,

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Northrop Frye recognized this fact but believed that the satire missed its mark: It completely misses the point as satire on the Russian development of Marxism, and propaganda essay topics expressing the disillusionment which many men of good-will feel about Russia. The reason for that disillusionment would be much better expressed as the corruption of expediency by principle Fryep, propaganda essay topics. What links and Animal Farm most directly propaganda essay topics that both are anti-utopian in nature, for Orwell had developed a certainty that government in a utopian society would always be corrupted and would lose sight of its principles because of expediency.

Animal Farm was written during World War II. There is evidence that he was planning a novel that would become even before he wrote Animal Farm, and there is a relationship between the two books that is not often noted: The form each book took was very different,…. In the Middle East. The links between Hamas and Iran and Hezbollah are very concerning for U. Also, U, propaganda essay topics. is historically close to Israel and therefore supports the cause of this state. The demand of U. And Israel is that Hamas renounces using terrorist attacks and recognizes the state of Israel and the agreements made between Palestine and Israel.

If Hamas continues its terrorist practices, U. And Israel threatened to cut off any humanitarian aid given to the Palestinians. This decision could be problematic because it will then make Hamas turn to Iran and other countries which are declared as anti-American. One characteristic of terrorist groups is that they use suicide attacks as weapons in their war. Hamas also relies heavily in making its voice heard on violent suicide attacks, which are seen as its asymmetric warfare against Israel. Hamas used suicide attacks in order to bomb civilian facilities…, propaganda essay topics. Mohan describes this concept this way: "A new tribalism seems to mark the post-modern evolution of the contemporary society in which the ominous forces of oppression are decivilizing people.

Paradoxes of existence fracture the essence of life p 1. This was evidenced when Stalin drove the communist revolution to its power place between and During that period of imposing communism on Russians, Stalin murdered, or eliminated anyone whom he believed might raise a public awareness of what was happening in Russia -- and that elimination knew no class or political distinction p propaganda essay topics Stalin is cited by Tucker as saying to H, propaganda essay topics. Domestically, Novosti disseminated information on life in other countries and on life in the Soviet Union. All of these institutional structures fell under the authority of propaganda essay topics Party. The television system in the Soviet Union was centrally controlled through the State Committee for Tele- vision and Radio Gostelradiowhich coordinated the communication of the ideological message sent down from above.

The reorganization and elevation of this committee to the all-union level in made the Chairman of Gostelradio directly responsible to the General Secretary of the Communist Party and the Politburo. Indeed, the Chairman of Gostelradio had on his desk a series of telephones, one connected directly to the General Secretary. Directives were passed down to various departments which produced the television programs that aired on Soviet television. The state owned all of the equipment, paid all salaries, and monitored all broadcasts. In addition to centralized control over the mass…. Hacksaw Ridge is a war film that was directed by Mel Gibson, and that starred Andrew Garfield as the protagonist, Desmond Doss, who served in the Battle of Okinawa during World War Two.

Doss was a combat medic who, because of his religious beliefs, refused to carry a weapon. Garfield and Gibson were nominated for Propaganda essay topics Awards for the film. Other stars were Sam Worthington, Vince Vaughan, Hugo Weaving, propaganda essay topics, Luke Bracey, Ryan Corr, Teresa Palmer and Rachel Griffiths. Despite the fact that Gibson has earned himself considerable controversy in Hollywood and among the general public, propaganda essay topics, the film was received well, and propaganda essay topics any of this baggage. The combat scenes were depicted using a lot of slow motion, sounds that came and went, and the speeds of the…. Tarsila Do Amaral One of the most important Brazilian artists of the 20th century, Tarsila do Amaral, was born in Sao Paulo in She had a privileged childhood as the propaganda essay topics of a rich farmer.

This brought with it various advantages, including an education that taught her to read, write, embroider and speak French Damian, Finishing her studies in France and returning to Brazil, this artist left an impression on the Modernist movement in the country that remains to this day. With her husband Oswald de Andrade, Tarsila worked towards creating a unique artistic perspective for the Brazilian people. This perspective would not reject the European forms and images that had propaganda essay topics the country's art world until the s. Instead, these would be used and incorporated into traditional forms to create an entirely new and more inclusive perspective. The Modernist movement came in the midst of a Brazil….

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In a world in which we are judged by how we appear, the belief that we can change our appearance through cosmetic surgery is liberating to a lot of women. The growing popularity of cosmetic surgery is a testament to society's overrated fixation with appearance. For women living in North America, their appearance is in fact an obsession. For hundreds of years, cosmetic surgery has thrived on women's insecurities pertaining to their physical appearance, and today, million's continue placing themselves under the knives of unscrupulous businessmen while struggling to "improve" themselves.

Women's fascination with beauty and their physical appeal to men has always been a famous trend. In the past the art of manipulating ones appearance was a practice celebrated by the wealthy and the famous, propaganda essay topics, but is now so commonplace that it is feasible for…. It is through interviews and analysis; we will see how these individuals feel about the new cultures and regulations around them. Living in a new place, these individuals can very easily let go of the limitations they were under before. Therefore, their answers will give a sound idea of what sort of struggle they are experiencing with the new culture and how to retain their self and identity. This study was only carried out on eight students and that is the major limitation of this research project.

As stated before, half of the sample size is directly from Saudi Arabia and the other half has lived in countries such as well. Despite these differences, there are other factors such as economic class, propaganda essay topics, religious sect, education and family propaganda essay topics that make each of these individuals different one from another, propaganda essay topics. Due to these differences, the generalization created from this sample set…. The very crux of the argument propaganda essay topics to the central point of censorship -- who must be protected and why must they be protected?

Ideas, political, social, or otherwise, may be the most dangerous form of literature ever. For instance, in 19th century autocratic regimes, the ideas of Karl Marx, even Voltaire, Locke, and Jefferson were seen to be subversive because they challenged the order of things, the idea that the monarchy should rule by divine right, and that certain people had, by manifest destiny, the right to be more equal than others. So, too, do images and verbiage change over time regarding public acceptance. Similarly, sexual activity was hinted at from the early days…. Therefore, propaganda essay topics, the incorporation of patterns that are decidedly symmetrical and geometrical has a greater effect in this dance. The staid, reserved forms of government and values that are crucial to Japanese political life are emphasized by this dance's reliance on unity and repetition.

There are so many different aspects of Japanese culture that this dance signifies, that it was truly fascinating to view. The specific political cause that I am concerned about is the preservation of the nation state system. Lately, there have been several signs that this form of government will be replaced by private or global system of government, and I believe that art can significantly reduce the chances of this occurrence from taking place. I believe that dance could be used to propagate the preservation of this particular act of awareness by celebrating the cultural diversity that is intrinsic to the nation state system. Therefore, I envision…. Israel Debate Continue Once again, you are splitting the argument into two parts.

On the one hand, there is the factual debate, for which you provide very little evidence despite making very strong claims of fact that could be readily cited properly evidenced, though I will of course the points you do mange to make. On the other hand lies the bulk of your argument, which is full of personal assumption and thinly if at all veiled invective and accusation, making claims for which you could have no evidence and certainly do not have any evidence and which ultimately have no bearing on this debate whatsoever, propaganda essay topics. Since you continue to devote such a great deal of your time and verbiage to the matter of how this debate is being carried propaganda essay topics and the character of those carrying out the debate or rather, me, though your statements are a more accurate….

By showing the workers being treated cruelly by the authorities alongside of the scene showing the bull being slaughtered Eisenstein thus wants the audience to become actively involved in revealing the political message regarding how workers are nothing but animals being carried around a slaughterhouse. The film is practically a paradox when considering that Eisenstein uses the intellectual montage technique and does not use concepts like reason or logic with the purpose of putting across his message to the audience, propaganda essay topics. Instead, he makes use of ideas like farce and parody in an attempt to demonstrate the stupidity related to a capitalist system and its lackeys as they destroy people's lives. Eisenstein certainly loved drama and this is obvious when looking at the numerous tools that he uses with the purpose of dramatizing scenes throughout the motion picture.

It appears that the director intended to address viewers from a psychological point-of-view…. Roles of Japanese Emperors An Analysis of the Respective Roles of Japanese Emperors: Today, Japan stands side by side with many of the Western nations of the world in terms of its political philosophy and free market economy, but it has not always been thus. In fact, propaganda essay topics, many contemporary observers would be surprised at propaganda essay topics how much political intrigue and maneuvering took place over the past century and a half to arrive at this position today. The recent anniversary of the 60th anniversary of V-J Day only serves to reinforce just how far Japan has come in recent years, from a country than was virtually devastated to one that can compete on equal terms with any nation in the world.

To determine how Japan has come to this phase in its propaganda essay topics, this paper will provide an analysis of the respective roles played by the emperors Meiji, Taisho…. Note that inflated English has been more characteristic of the centuries preceding Orwell and of Orwell's own time than on the latter part of the 20th century. There has been a shift in linguistics. As propaganda essay topics and historians of language have noted, the Western model of language follows the monological approach. The monological approach has roots reaching back to Aristotle who saw communication as one propaganda essay topics rhetoric, namely persuasion, where communication was a strategy for influencing people and helping them see reason, or the truth. In this way, the 'other' became viewed as object, communication was one way monological and the objective was how to best seduce the other propaganda essay topics one's way of thinking.

According to propaganda essay topics linguists, such as Alfred Taylor, this reduction culminated in reducing conversation, depersonalizing words, propaganda essay topics, and converting them into ideas rather than seeing the complexity of the speaker behind the words. It also led to…. Marshall feared that their poverty might make them vulnerable to Soviet wooing, propaganda essay topics them to attach them to communism. America, therefore, felt that it had to preempt potential Russian manipulation by stepping in there first.

Although Marshall emphasized that the program was open to all European nations, propaganda essay topics, he structured it in such a way by making capitalism part of its expected character and linchpin of performance that it effectively debarred communist-related nations from participating. A few years later, in Truman expanded his strategy of containment by issuing a report the NSC that stressed employment of U. military to impede communist expansion. Observed the National Security Council: It was and continues to be cardinal in this policy that we possess superior overall power in ourselves or in dependable combination with other likeminded nations.

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This bigotry and hatred came about because of the work done by the Nazi party since their inception in the early […]. Propaganda has been around for many years. In society now and in decades before when people express opinions,ideas,or interests they make use of propaganda. The term propaganda first appeared in when Pope Gregory established the Sacred Congregation for propagating the Faith. Propaganda is used for convincing a large amount of people to agree with there specific ways […]. Introduction The onset of the second world war resulted in significant disruption of the social status quo in many communities around the world. So many resources were channeled cowards fighting. Vast numbers of youthful and able men who were instrumental in providing the booming industries across Europe and America become recruited to serve in their […].

In when the Nazi party rose to power, all regular press in Germany came under complete control of the Nazi party. Nazi officials looked at propaganda in a very positive light and felt that it was necessary to create solidarity between the people of Germany. They wanted the nation to follow and stand by […]. City, he pointed out that the U. intervention in Southeast Asia as little more than imperialism and that We were taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them eight thousand miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in southwest Georgia and East […]. The Pitfalls of Propaganda The human brain is usually well protected from tricks and outside influences. Over time, it has grown adept at spotting and removing outside manipulations that silently creep in.

Of course, that does not apply to one of the most frightening, effective, and malignant tools of our time. Slowly slithering itself […]. Propaganda is often used in political writing or in advertising, but you can use propaganda techniques to put forth any thesis or idea. Throughout the course of history propaganda has been used in many different ways. Some in ways to dehumanize people and create hatred toward a select group. Once Hitler came into power he […]. Propaganda in Our Youth People may think that propaganda is a thing of the past, but we do not realize that we are being tricked into believing propaganda-based ideas every day.

Propaganda is any association, systematic scheme, or concerted movement for the propagation of a particular doctrine or practice Simpson I explain propaganda as […]. By s, Christianity had immensely been developing in Europe. Therefore, Baroque religious arts played a key role in spreading the power of the Catholic Church for propagandistic purposes. Besides, the Catholic Church embraced the religious power of art to appeal piety and devotion. As a result, the role of the Pope was reinforced as the […]. It is often said that history is written by the victors, and the quote could not be more appropriate than for Augustus.

He is often called the? Being a major influence on his life, Augustus was inspired by Caesar practices and propaganda works. He took […]. Every country during wartime has there own propaganda to mislead the population for support of the war. If you tell a big enough lie and tell it often enough it will be believed Adolf […]. The main use of propaganda is to lead a public influence to the public and gain an understanding of the war efforts. Propaganda has been a part of the government influence since the beginning of strategizing for war. Propaganda is one of the most effective ways to gather the people or a specific audience.

The […]. American Propaganda in World War II sounded interesting. It sounded interesting because I was curious how propaganda could benefit the US in world war II. At the same time, I wanted to understand what propaganda was all about. When I think of propaganda, I think of hatred toward another country. What also comes to mind […]. Propaganda was one of the most influential and essential tools used by the Nazis to alter the beliefs and attitudes of the German people. At its most basic, propaganda is biased or misleading information circulated via some form of mass media with the intent of promoting a political agenda or viewpoint.

Propaganda is communicated through […]. Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Propaganda prepared by our experts:. History Dissertations — French and German Cinema A Comparison of French and German Cinema, Table of Contents Introduction Chapter One: The effect of fascism on German Culture, Chapter Two: Occupied France: Vichy Collaboration in Moulding the Image of Fascist Europe Chapter Three: Josef Goebbels and the Intervention of Propaganda Cinema Chapter Four: Heimatfilme Chapter Five: Exilfilme Chapter Six: Pacifist Cinema […]. Art Propaganda Propaganda Art Propaganda is defined as information disseminated by an organization or government to promote a policy, idea or cause. Propaganda and its Appearance in the Holocaust Propaganda is advertisement that is used to promote biased political views and ideas.

Propaganda Used during the Civil War Propaganda used during the Civil War Propaganda was used before and during the American Civil War by the North and the South to change public opinion. Nazi Propoganda and Maus The role of propaganda plays a crucial part in the encouragement of both the Polish and Jewish people to betray their neighbors, friends, and even their family members. World War II and Propaganda Inroduction In , global tension was high. An Issue of Propaganda Delivery Propaganda is one of the most powerful tools a government has in wartime. By showing the workers being treated cruelly by the authorities alongside of the scene showing the bull being slaughtered Eisenstein thus wants the audience to become actively involved in revealing the political message regarding how workers are nothing but animals being carried around a slaughterhouse.

The film is practically a paradox when considering that Eisenstein uses the intellectual montage technique and does not use concepts like reason or logic with the purpose of putting across his message to the audience. Instead, he makes use of ideas like farce and parody in an attempt to demonstrate the stupidity related to a capitalist system and its lackeys as they destroy people's lives. Eisenstein certainly loved drama and this is obvious when looking at the numerous tools that he uses with the purpose of dramatizing scenes throughout the motion picture.

It appears that the director intended to address viewers from a psychological point-of-view…. Roles of Japanese Emperors An Analysis of the Respective Roles of Japanese Emperors: Today, Japan stands side by side with many of the Western nations of the world in terms of its political philosophy and free market economy, but it has not always been thus. In fact, many contemporary observers would be surprised at just how much political intrigue and maneuvering took place over the past century and a half to arrive at this position today. The recent anniversary of the 60th anniversary of V-J Day only serves to reinforce just how far Japan has come in recent years, from a country than was virtually devastated to one that can compete on equal terms with any nation in the world.

To determine how Japan has come to this phase in its history, this paper will provide an analysis of the respective roles played by the emperors Meiji, Taisho…. Note that inflated English has been more characteristic of the centuries preceding Orwell and of Orwell's own time than on the latter part of the 20th century. There has been a shift in linguistics. As linguists and historians of language have noted, the Western model of language follows the monological approach. The monological approach has roots reaching back to Aristotle who saw communication as one of rhetoric, namely persuasion, where communication was a strategy for influencing people and helping them see reason, or the truth.

In this way, the 'other' became viewed as object, communication was one way monological and the objective was how to best seduce the other to one's way of thinking. According to some linguists, such as Alfred Taylor, this reduction culminated in reducing conversation, depersonalizing words, and converting them into ideas rather than seeing the complexity of the speaker behind the words. It also led to…. Marshall feared that their poverty might make them vulnerable to Soviet wooing, causing them to attach them to communism. America, therefore, felt that it had to preempt potential Russian manipulation by stepping in there first. Although Marshall emphasized that the program was open to all European nations, he structured it in such a way by making capitalism part of its expected character and linchpin of performance that it effectively debarred communist-related nations from participating.

A few years later, in Truman expanded his strategy of containment by issuing a report the NSC that stressed employment of U. military to impede communist expansion. Observed the National Security Council: It was and continues to be cardinal in this policy that we possess superior overall power in ourselves or in dependable combination with other likeminded nations. One of the most important ingredients of power is military strength Shmoop. com To that end, the NSC…. Boycotting British goods meant that American women were going to have to make sacrifices, and stop consuming goods that were imported from Britain. The cartoon of the women of Edenton, NC signing a non-consumption agreement represent American women involving themselves in the political and economic boycott of Britain by the American colonies.

The entire cartoon is designed to give the impression that women are not able to take on political issues seriously and deal with them effectively. Instead, the women in the cartoon are engaging in sex, playing, drinking, and are generally distracted from the important issue at hand. Works Cited "A Society of Patriotic Ladies- North Carolina Digital History. Despite its being Christian in nature, the clandestine and sometimes considered deviant practices of the group made it assume a negative image, at least as projected to the public by the mass media and groups with vested interests. The label "cult" was given a negative connotation because of the prejudice that the mass media, special interest groups, and former Branch Davidians has provided the public.

There was unequal dissemination of information from the part of the Davidians, having observed the image of exclusivity and non-interaction with non-members of the group. Thus, the negative image of it being an 'evil cult' prevailed, leading to the uncalled-for raid by the AFT that led to the group's abolishment and deaths of its members. The propaganda model of the mass media offers an alternative explanation to the uncalled-for raid and image attack against the Branch Davidians. It may be the popular notion that the…. prevented from cheering the gloom of slavery with the small comfort of being together and mingling their sufferings and sorrows?

Why are parents to lose their children, brothers their sisters, or husbands their wives? Surely this is a new refinement in cruelty, which, while it has no advantage to atone for it, thus aggravates distress, and adds fresh horrors even to the wretchedness of slavery I have even known them gratify their brutal passion with females not ten years old; and these abominations some of them practised to such scandalous excess, that one of our captains discharged the mate and others on that account. There appear to be no emotional arousing words or bias in the reading. Some new information was offered into the content I have previous read regarding rainwater collection and its many uses.

The subject matter is well covered and clear in its direction and content. Various viewpoints and data are available in other readings regarding rainwater collection. This in turn afforded an opportunity for me to not just grasp the work of this author by analyzing and compare it to the work of others gave an opportunity to see the plethora of ways one may approach the subject matter. This article is a secondary source; the article describes the finding of the author on his or her constituents supported by work done by others involved. The writing is well organized and easy to follow. All content flows and is associated with the previous content read in the article. The author's…. Whatever happened you vanished, and neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again" Orwell, , p.

Capitalism Principles of mass production are very clear in the novels. Huxley for instance, applied the idea of mass production in human reproduction, since the people has abandoned the natural method of reproduction. Mass production as the conventional feature of capitalism and Huxley's novel reinforces such. He talked about the requirement of the World State about constant consumption, which is considered as foundation of its stability. Huxley apparently criticizes the commercial dependence of the world towards goods. Conditioning centers teaches people to consume.

Orwell similarly provides criticism to capitalism as well: "The centuries of capitalism were held to have produced nothing of any value. Destruction of the concept of family Both novels…. To this point, Chouliarki argues that "the facilitation of deliberative processes among audiences is a matter not only of changing institutional arrangements towards a regulation of marketized media but also of changing the mode of articulation of media discourse itself; even though the latter may be a consequence of the former, each is a sine qua non-for deliberative democracy. Beyond this, there are distinct messages of self-reference and the implications of power structures within a culture such as may occur when one reduces the content of a statement in the interests of word economy in settings where less formality is required.

As a simple example, a speaker may reply to an inquiry regarding how he…. Without the best people, innovation and remaining a market leader is impossible. Yet although the Intel website is not disingenuous, it seems less explicit about its corporate culture than Google's website. Google paints a picture of a workplace in which employees eat lunch side-by-side with executives and have a key role in defining and shaping their 'pet' projects. Intel's website has more unsubstantiated mission statements about innovation than Google's. The most obvious 'culture change' manifested in the business media is that of General Motors, which was forced by the federal government to divest a number of its core….

Robinson, , p. Summary and Conclusion Many technological advances took place in the 19th and 20th century and included in these changes were developments in camera and film that enabled the field of photography to expand greatly. Photographs began to be used in new ways and particularly in documenting not only events but lives and this included those in the public eye and the lives of individuals throughout society. The adjustment of the shutter speed enabled photographers to make the dull dramatic and enabled those who would influence politics and society through a creative tool to do precisely that. The increase of shutter speeds further allowed the photographer to have more control over their work and specifically, the increase in shutter speeds allowed the photographers to produce clear and sharp images as compared….

From this came our insistence on the drama of the doorstep" cited by Hardy Grierson also notes that the early documentary filmmakers were concerned about the way the world was going and wanted to use all the tools at hand to push the public towards greater civic participation. With the success of Drifters, Grierson was able to further his ideas, but rather than directing other films, he devoted his time to building up a film unit and training its members, gathering young men of like mind, including Basil Wright, Arthur Elton, Stuart Legg, Paul Rotha, John Taylor, Harry Watt, Donald Taylor, Edgar Anstey, and more.

these men were "united by a common enthusiasm and a common aim" Hardy The E. Film Unit in the early s had an atmosphere that was energizing and inspirational, with Grierson being one of the main reasons for this state of affairs. Terrorist Organizations and the Media Subsequent to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, , the world did change. Prior to the attacks, the term 'terrorism' was not as frequently used by the media world over, the way we are used to it now. We have to bear in mind that it is the media that brings the world together, it is the Internet at best that allows us easy access to other areas of the globe, far from us -- and their peoples. Next, the television plays a chief role in spreading news, business reports, and propaganda. Following the attacks on September 11 in New York City, the world got to learn of Al-Qaida, the sole terrorist group responsible with many other terrorist organizations to spread mischief across the globe.

Osama Bin Laden was turned into a celebrity overnight because his videotapes detailing his agenda…. attacks on Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center had similar historical events surrounding each attack. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and George W. Bush used similar policies to combat further attacks and unite the nation The paper highlights the entwined American reactions to the September 11 attacks and the Pearl Harbor attacks. The paper illustrates the similarities in which the over-prevailing backgrounds of each event created reactions to the devastating measures that promptly gave escalation to the Wars that have been fought. The paper also looks at the integration of the memory of Pearl Harbor in American reactions to September 11 attacks.

Subsequently, the paper reflects on the similarities in repercussions of the attacks on the Pearl Harbor, as well as, the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September It is quite apparent that the global society in which we live has become so much inter-connected that almost all events…. it's like Bordo's example, "A black man jogs down the street in sweat clothes, thinking of the class he is going to teach later that day; a white woman passes him, clutches her handbag more tightly, quickens her step; in her eyes, the teacher is a potentially dangerous animal" Bordo This is almost exactly how North Koreans will perceive Americans after seeing this picture.

American soldiers could be going to North Korea thinking about how they are going to help the North Koreans by opening new schools and hospitals. But looking at the image, the North Koreans will only see us as potentially dangerous animal, ones that would hurt them at their earliest convenience. In National Geographic aired a special program "National Geographic: Inside North Korea. It showed little kids singing a song about killing Americans. In one…. Source: German Propaganda Archive, Calvin University This poster translates: "Unshakable, determined to fight, certain of victory! Typical themes in German Propaganda posters were anti-Semitism, a call to the labor force, support and loyalty for Hitler, paper and clothing drives, as well as special programs, such as programs to send children to the countryside for safety.

Many of the themes overlapped with American messages. However, as one examines the collection of war posters as a whole, it becomes apparent that both sides had entirely different agendas and different techniques for getting the message across. American posters were more personal and used imagery that captured the audience and pulled at their heartstrings. German posters were often unrealistic in their presentation. The Office of War Information There were several forms of media available during World War II. However, there were several reasons for the choice to use posters as the…. This tactic has proved probably the most effective out of the previous mentioned.

Unlike Hitler who was only in power a short period before loosing control of his newly created empire to the United States and the Soviet Union, Stalin held his red Russia with an iron fist for close to a half of a century. When he died, efforts were taken to try and de-Stalinize the country through deregulation and de-nationalizing of certain industries; yet, his influence would continue on with future Soviet dictators. Stalin capitalized on the fear his actions and policies evoked, forever becoming the true face of fear in Communist Russia. And so, within the context of the iron rule of totalitarianism, Hitler and Stalin implemented unique and powerful strategies to encourage the submission of their citizens and the position of fear as seen in the eyes of their enemies.

Although both regimes ultimately fell, the…. John Steinbeck's novel The Moon is Down can be interpreted as a propaganda piece, aimed at emboldening and comforting the conquered peoples of Europe during the Second World War. However, admitting this pragmatic objective of the book does not necessarily detract from the value of the arguments or themes found within. Steinbeck manages to convey a comprehensive picture of contrasting world perspectives though his depiction of a fictitious small town in Scandinavia. He takes special care to characterize the standpoints of individual German soldiers, suggesting their mentalities' representative and prevalent holds upon the nation's broader self-identity. Additionally, notable emphasis is placed upon the ordinary nature of the townsfolk.

The fundamental theme that Steinbeck wishes to communicate is that the very mechanisms by which the German military extends its dominance over the conquered demand that their empire will ultimately fail: it is a consequence of the social structure that the…. But Mary and her husband, living in the Dublin section of Paterson, launched an Italian-language newspaper the Italian Voice ; there were about 42, Italians living in Paterson at the time, Burstyn writes. Mary and her husband also started the Colonial Sentinel carrying legal notices and news in English and in their papers they featured women of Italian descent on the front page Burstyn, But by the s the Augusto couple took an anti-fascist position in their papers notwithstanding the fact that Italy had been taken over by fascist Mussolini and Mary had a column called "The Parrot" which "combined political and social commentary," Burstyn explains on page While she had her newspaper job during the day, it didn't stop Mary from working the "late shift at a nearby Wright Aeronautics defense plant.

Niebuhr The reaction that I had to Reinhold Niebuhr's Moral Man and Immoral Society was extremely complicated, but I ultimately found the implications that Niebuhr's beliefs would have for the American political system to be exceptionally troubling. The problem here comes when Niebhr endorses the necessity of propaganda in a civilized society. Since Niebuhr believes in "the stupidity of the average man" 21 and believes these people must be persuaded by means of "dogmas, symbols, and emotionally potent oversimplifications" which build "morale" xxvii this fundamentally believes that propaganda is the most useful tool for social control, even acknowledging that "there is an element of propaganda in all education" For me, this seems to describe perfectly a troubling trend in American politics which has been brewing for some time.

What is propaganda? Well, look at the sort of stuff that Hollywood churned out during World War Two. It was part…. female HUMINT Intel collectors as well as the utilization of female HUMINT Intel collectors during WWI and the Cold War Era. Specifically, their use in the form of secretaries and teletypes. It will go systematically during both wars, analyzing the use of the two main categories of secretaries and teletypes. The literature review also brings to light any possible gaps in literature on what lacked from the records of HUMINT Intel collectors and any possible roles they may have played other than teletypes and secretaries. HUMINT, a term used to define human intelligence, remains essentially any Intel collected from human sources.

Within America, the NCS National Clandestine Service , a branch of the CIA, makes up most if not all of the collection of HUMINT Schnell, Specifically, any interpersonal communication or contact signifies HUMINT. SIGNIT, MASINIT, or IMINT are more technical intelligence collection disciplines that rely on signals, imagery, and…. The poster was central to Lenin's vision of political transformation, and also the easiest way to convey his message to a largely illiterate population which did not care for paintings and monuments. By the year , the new government began to print and distribute posters.

In , the Literary-Publishing Department was established by the Bolshevik government; this new department was made up of brilliant cartoonists and artists such as Dimitri Moor and Viktor Deni. The New Economic Policy was the era between and when propaganda was aimed at post-war realities such as famine, discontent and freedom. The country was at peace but the economy had collapsed under the enormous weight of the war. Lenin introduced the New Economic Policy which favoured some private enterprises which eventually flourished. It started in the fall of , Evans explains; Jewish businesses were bombed, Jewish synagogues and other Jewish places were destroyed.

In the weeks after Hitler's appointment as Reich Chancellor "…stormtroopers broke into synagogues and desecrated the religious furniture, smashed the windows of Jewish shops, and subjected Jews to random acts of humiliation," like forcing them to drink castor oil and shaving their beards forcibly in public, Evans goes on. The Jewish judges and lawyers were not spared from this violence. All over Germany, the Nazi stormtroopers "burst into courthouses… dragged Jewish judges and lawyers out of the proceedings and beat them up…" Evans.

It is hard to imagine the horror that participants must have experience during court proceedings, to have armed storm troopers burst in and grab the judge, drag him into the street and beat him. Of all the outrageously violent and terrifying events in Nazi Germany --…. In respect to the U. Bibliography David Welch, "Nazi Propaganda and the Volksgemeinschaft: Constructing a People's Community. New York: Vintage, Frances Saunders, Who Paid the Piper. The CIA and the Cultural Cold War. Granta Books: London Joyce Battle, U. Propaganda in the Middle East - the Early Cold War Version. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. asp Religion, Education, and Cultural activities during the communist period. A David Welch, "Nazi Propaganda and the Volksgemeinschaft: Constructing a People's Community.

Introduction Even though the term anti-Semitism was first popularized in through the works of Wilhelm Marr a German journalist, its very existence is traceable much further in history. Throughout the Middle Ages, and in the wider Europe, the majority of the Jewish people was forced to live in confined neighborhoods ghettos and was denied citizenship. In an effort to get more Jews to drop their religion, more accusations were levied upon the Jews. With the rise of Christianity in much of Europe, anti-Semitism continued to spread with vilification of Judaism in an effort to…. Proportionality in War The principle of proportionality in war is something that is hotly contested and debated.

How the principle could and should apply in terms of response to military action or aggression, the incidence or possibility of civilian casualties and other things are all considerations when it comes to proportionality in war. In general terms, the argument to be made is that there should be consistence between a strike and a counterstrike. Obviously, the idea is to win whatever conflict is at hand. However, there are limits to this approach. For example, responding to a cruise missile strike with a nuclear strike is obviously not going to fly. However, there are some times where proportionality is clouded and made difficult to figure out. At the very least, it can be controversial. The dual nuclear strike on Japan during World War II is one example. The manner in which the…. McNamara chose to escalate the war, focusing on the body count to measure the progress of the war instead of U.

progress in achieving its ultimate military and political objectives. Halberstam, Chapter Orwell's Experiences During the Interwar period and World War II Orwell, an English native, was a promising intellect educated at elite educational institutions such as Eton. Despite his sterling educational credentials, Orwell chose to work as a colonial police officer in Burma, where he first witnessed the brutal policing power an authoritarian political regime and its effects on citizens. Taylor, This regime was his own Britain's exploitative and authoritarian colonial governance in the British profitable, but peaceful colony of Burma.

Orwell left Burma and Imperial service because of sickness, making a more unstructured life for himself in England as a journalist. He lived, as a journalist in disguise, among the working…. Anyone who has ever talked to a relative who lived through that era, or read personal accounts of World War II knows that while the German forces were referred to as 'Germans,' the Japanese were called 'Japs. Unlike the Germans, the American government even allowed the internment of Japanese-Americans, solely because of their race, even though many Japanese-Americans fought loyally on the United States' side during the conflict. While Germans are always 'Nazis' in films, the Japanese are always 'villainous Japs' Beidler , Noting the racism that was often exhibited in American propaganda, however, hardly excuses the racism that was also present in Japanese propaganda.

One interesting subgenre of this phenomenon is in Japanese films like China Nights, which portrays the…. In his Allegory of the Cave, Plato depicts a world where prisoners are held in a cave for their entire life Cohen. The puppeteers cast shadows on the wall of the cave, and the prisoners see the shadows as reality. Upon breaking free from the cave, the prisoners come to the realisation that their entire existence has been a lie. They discover how others have controlled their life. This allegory has a great deal of relevance today, particularly in the age of technology. Today's human beings can be likened to the prisoners. Technology controls us -- from television to computers, phones, and cars, technology does everything for us.

In spite of its advantages, it distracts us from the truth; it blinds us to the inherent dangers. Even when outside the cave, we can see how technology easily hides the truth from us. This paper discusses how the internet, computers, and…. The war in Gaza lasted for almost two months and resulted in thousands of casualties, remaining of course unresolved. However, as Espuelas puts it, "the first casualty of war is the truth," p. Nowhere is this adage more noticeable than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, in which the truth is particularly multifaceted and complex.

The principles of just war offer dictums for assessing the ethics of both the Israeli position and that of Hamas. War is considered a last resort in Israel; otherwise Israel would have used even greater force than it already has. Whereas Israel can be considered a legitimate authority because it operates as a democratic state, Hamas is less so. Hamas is legitimate to its supporters, but remains a spurious political organization dedicated to and predicated on the annihilation of Israel. Moreover, the the war in Gaza was fought to redress a clear wrong: it…. policy makers underestimate internet independence? YouTube independence of positing video content The internet moderated terrorism Regulating the internet for anti-terrorism Freedom and Terrorism on the Internet The purpose of the study is to explore the use of internet by terrorist organizations and the degree of independence that terrorist enjoy while conducting and coordinating their terrorism activities from the cyberspace.

The topic is an area of interest for the researcher as it is significantly relevant in today's environment when cross-border terrorism has increased. As part of the academic and citizen world, the researcher feels it is essential to gauge the scale and severity of terrorism moderated by internet sources. Audience The main audiences of the research paper are academic instructors, research students of cyber security and government policy makers who can influence to control terrorism originating from the freedom of internet use for every user irrespective of the underlying motive. German Fascism Fascism is arguably the most influential and controversial political ideology in modern history, and continues to be a fascinating topic for political study and discussion.

Yet, despite fascism's worldwide existence and its responsibility for the development of numerous groups and political movements, Germany remains only one of two countries the other being Italy in which the ideology of fascism has enjoyed the success of political power. Although there is very little consensus amongst political scientists and academics on many issues of fascism, there is a general agreement that the success of fascism in Germany was not due to any singular, or isolated, factor. Rather, it prospered as a result of Germany possessing the ideal combination of a strong national identity, a well-developed system of public persuasion and propaganda, and an existing government that was too weak and unstable to provide effective resistance against social and economic crisis.

This essay will contain a list of topics related to Russian meddling, possible titles for essays covering those topics, an outline of the essay, and an example demonstrating how to write a strong essay. Our free example essay will not only explain how Russian interference influenced the election, but also show you how to write each part of an essay: introduction, thesis statement, and body paragraphs that combine evidence and analysis. The essay will conclude with a review of the information presented in the essay and suggestions for further action. Titles A New Kind of Cold War: Russian Meddling in the Election Is Putin the De Facto President of the United States: How Russia Influenced the Election Should Russian Interference in the Election Invalidate the Results?

What Does Russian…. The period between the two World Wars was a time of acute confrontations between various national intelligence and counterintelligence agencies especially in Europe. The extent to which such agencies managed to address the challenges to the benefit of their own national government is a subject of debate to this day among analysts and experts. An important case in study is the role of intelligence and in particular counterintelligence in the UK during the inter-wars period.

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