The forest areas that once filled the green cover are now messed land pollution essay in dry and fragile lands, receiving very less or scanty rainfall and turning to arid zones. There is no doubt about the fact that in an attempt to make our life more comfortable we are ruining the environment. Contact us Please Help us to improve, Contact us, land pollution essay. This further causes desertification of land which is an even more stressful scenario to correct. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle At the individual level, there are many things we can do to reduce our contribution to land pollution.
What is the Definition of Land Pollution?
The land is one of the most valuable resources that we have and unfortunately, it is very limited. Therefore, if this limited resource is rendered unusable than our existence as species is threatened. The process by which land is contaminated is known as pollution. Land pollution can lead to the complete alternation of its mineral composition, structural performance and ability land pollution essay sustain life-like plants soil erosion. These changes can take decades and even centuries to consolidate which means that when visible changes appear, the damage has already become beyond easy fix.
The various effects of land pollution range from dangerous to catastrophic. Percolation of land pollution to groundwater reserves can wreak havoc in terms of diseases and toxicity. Land pollution essay growth in children and various nutrient deficiencies can be traced back to polluted land where the food is cultivated. Soil erosion due to land pollution can deplete the fertility of the soil which directly impedes its ability to produce food grains and vegetables. The various land pollutants are also carried into rivers and lakes through surface runoff and contaminate their waters with contaminants and nutrients causing eutrophication ageing which is adverse for various plants and animals.
Dumping of solid waste like landfill etc also change the structural composition of the land and makes it more vulnerable to disasters like earthquake etc. Land pollution can occur due to several factors and causative agents. The foremost is the degradation of forest or deforestation. Trees and plants in general, help to bind the soil together and if there are no trees, soil can easily be carried away by water or wind. This further causes desertification of land which is an even more stressful scenario to correct. The exploitation of land for mineral extraction has historically caused much damage to the land rich with mineral deposits. Overuse of chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers etc also depletes the health of natural soil.
Dumping of domestic garbage, land pollution essay, solid waste, plastic or e-waste, industrial effluents further deteriorates the quality of land available for its different uses. The strategy to redress such land damage is to start by planting more trees and bringing more areas under their coverage. Safe disposal waste and possible recycle and reuse is also of paramount importance. This should be complemented with reduction and possible elimination of material like polythene bags and adopting more environmentally friendly options like jute etc. Shifting from chemical-based farming to more organic and natural methods is also of utmost importance. All these practices need to be incentivized by appropriate schemes and policy decisions at the governance level.
Stringent land-use violation laws and apt penalties must be exercised in order to create formidable deterrence for the defaulter. Therefore, all our efforts need to be coordinated with solid planning and sustainable use of land resources. Skip to content. Autobiography of a Coin Essay December 8, My Favourite Fruit Essay December 14, Essay on Summer Season February 26, Essay on Akbar in English January 8, land pollution essay, National Integration Essay December 7, Short Essay on Hospital in English January 10, Child Labour Essay In English August 7, land pollution essay, Short Land pollution essay on Verghese Kurien in English March 26, My Land pollution essay Friend Essay March 17, Type your search, land pollution essay.
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It is time we must work towards bringing down land pollution to lead a healthier and happier life. Land Pollution is caused due to various human activities and also because of natural factors. Some of the reasons of land pollution include over usage of pesticides, lack of options to dispose industrial and agricultural waste, deforestation, growing urbanization, acid rains and mining. All these factors degrade the soil and hamper the agricultural activities. They are also a cause of various illnesses in animals and human beings. Land pollution is on an all time rise and so are its harmful consequences. While the government and other organizations are working at their level to bring it down, you can also contribute towards lowering the same by making a few small changes in your daily life.
Here are some of the ways in which you can curb land pollution:. Land pollution, just as various other forms of pollution, is a threat to the environment. It is degrading the quality of life on earth. It is time we must all join hands and contribute our bit towards reducing the same. Land pollution has an adverse effect on the living beings as well as on the environment as a whole. It is one of the main causes of the growing number of illnesses around. Land pollution is caused owing to various factors. These factors are both natural as well as those induced by man. Here is a look at the various reasons for the same:. One of the biggest causes of land pollution is the industrial waste. Lack of proper options to dispose of the industrial waste which is generated in vast quantity leads to land pollution.
The chemical and toxic waste is thrown in large dumping grounds that breed mosquitoes, flies, rats and rodents. It gives way to various illnesses as well as air pollution. Mining is essential for the extraction of minerals and metals that are used in various day to day products. It causes mass destruction of trees and plants and degrades the land. The digging of soil and use of heavy machinery to carry out the process of mining causes land pollution. While it is essential to use pesticides for growing crops and it is alright to do so however over usage of the same can be harmful. This is because in addition to killing the organisms that hamper the growth of plants these medicinal sprays also kill the microorganisms that are useful for plant growth.
Besides, over usage of pesticides and other chemical products contaminates the soil and degrades it. It causes land pollution and the place no longer remains fit for agriculture. We all know that trees play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity which is essential for creating ecological balance. They also help in enhancing the soil fertility and increasing soil aeration. However, unfortunately forests are being cut at a rapid pace. This exposes the soil to direct sunlight which is harmful in many ways. It makes the land barren by extracting all the water and also kills microorganisms that are useful for the soil. The damage caused to the soil is counted as land pollution. Acid rain that is caused due to chemical pollutants present in the atmosphere also degrades the soil to a large extent and causes land pollution.
It also contaminates the water present underground. As stated above lack of options to dispose the industrial wastes and household garbage properly leads to the worst sort of land pollution. We can reduce the harmful effect of land pollution if we segregate the waste products based on their type. These are classified into three categories — Organic, Reusable and Recyclable wastes. Chlorinated plastic can release harmful chemicals into the surrounding soil, which can then seep into groundwater or other surrounding water sources, and also the ecosystem. This can cause a range of potentially harmful effects on the species that drink the water and of course, us. A new study was conducted, which took place in the mountains of the French Pyrenees, far from civilization.
It was investigated the amount of microplastics that fall out of the air onto the ground every day. Samples were taken over a five-month period, and measured both dry and wet carried by raindrops deposition. On average plastic pieces were found per square meter per day, 73 pieces of film and 44 fibers. Calculations showed that the wind could transport these microplastics easily over a distance of 95 kilometers, and presumably over much longer distances. Between two and microfibers per square meter per day were counted. An earlier French study showed that plastic microfibers are not just in outdoor air, they are also present inside buildings and in particular in dust on the floor. Research has already shown that people breathe in microfibers.
Last year, Chinese researchers found that the daily fallout in the Chinese city of Dongguan was between and microplastics per square meter. Most of the microplastics there were synthetic microfibers. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh travels to Midway Atoll in the Pacific Ocean to investigate how the plastic we throw away everyday enters the food chain and possibly, our bodies. The first step to take would be to reduce the amount of plastics you use. If you have a choice at the grocery store, aim for foods that come in larger single packages rather than individual ones. And try to avoid produce wrapped in plastic bags or packaged in plastic trays. Second, eliminate your single-use plastics and opt for reusable sustainable products in their place.
You can cut plastic beverage containers from your life by using cups, mugs, reusable water bottles, or even a mason jar to tote your water, juice and tea around with you. Plastic Attack Another great way to create awareness of the insane amount of plastic wrappings used is by joining the plastic attack movement. Just strip your groceries of plastic and leave it for the store to clean up. Shoppers demanding Tesco use less unnecessary packaging staged a 'plastic attack' - by stripping their groceries of it and leaving it for the store to clean up. The unusual protest involved 40 shoppers going to the branch of Tesco in Keynsham, near Bristol, and cutting through the excess packaging after doing their shopping.
Plastic Free Shopping Support your local green grocery buy plastic free fruits and vegetables and bring your own bag! Not all biodegradable plastic bags are a good option as they still remain the same after 3 years in the ground. There are some great initiatives for plastic free shopping and solutions to empower the plastic-free movement, such as the ban of plastic bottles in San Fransisco and the zero waste supermarket in Amsterdam and Berlin , plastic free shampoo bars by Lush , water capsules from seaweed, there is still so much to be gained!
Land pollutants exist in all three forms; solid, liquid and gas. There are numerous factors that cause land pollution to arise. Due to the increasing population , urbanisation is on the rise and so are the number of households. These households are responsible for generating waste. Waste is of two types; biodegradable and non-biodegradable. Biodegradable waste is the waste that is organic in nature and can be broken down by microorganisms into simpler molecules. It includes waste like leftover food, wood, paper, etc. On the other hand, non-biodegradable waste is waste that is not organic, and that cannot be broken down into simpler parts by bacteria. Plastic cans and containers, electronic items, metals, etc.
all come under this category. It is the non-biodegradable waste that is difficult to dispose off. This waste is simply dumped onto land. Areas where garbage and trash are dumped, are known as landfills. It is a site for discarding unwanted materials. When these landfills get full, the garbage in them is burned in order to create more space. This activity results not only in land pollution but further contributes to increasing air pollution as well. Forests, which are an exhaustible natural resource , are being cut at a rapid rate. The trees hold essential soil in their roots.
But when they are cleared, the quality of the soil, as well as the land, is degraded. Man clears these green stretches for his own purpose, including mining, construction, etc. The soil even further worsens because of the usage of artificial insecticides and pesticides used by farmers and agricultural workers.
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