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Stem cell essay outline

Stem cell essay outline

Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. This has gained popularity with all the players in the education sector, including educators, stem cell essay outline, students, parents and even the US president. Listening to research cell stem outline everyone concerned with child well-being. Bioethics and the Stem cell essay outline Cell Research Debate. Vesely, Rebecca. Does iPS treatment rescue the motor and cognitive deficits associated with Angelman Syndrome: Data will be gathered from testing the treated mice in scientifically recognized tests of cognitive ability in a mouse model. With any kind of science there are ethical considerations and much of the science is in its infancy in which hyped claims, fraud, and a lack of ethical frameworks can… References Author Unknown

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Human Cloning b. Helping humans live longer c. Can overpopulate society. Positive side of Stem Cell Research 1, stem cell essay outline. Parkinson b. Alchemies c, stem cell essay outline. Heart diseases d. Birth defects e. Spinal core Injuries f. Can play major roll in cancer g. Grow back small parts of body a. Primary source a. No longer baby embryos futures a. Adult Stem Cells a, stem cell essay outline. Neural Stem Cells a. Cord Blood Stem Cells 3. Embryonic Stem Cells. Have a less chance of rejection c. Some argue it is better that stem cell essay outline goes to better use Conclusion Stem cell essay outline like any other agenda they both have their pros and cons, but it is our Job as a society to educate ourselves which of the two sides we stand on.

Will we support the strive for new cures for heart disease, cancer, and various other diseases and be able to change lives. Or will we stand in and view the morality aspect and how baby futures, and lab grown futures to be able to obtain these stem cells. I leave it up for you to decide. Stem Cell Research Outline. com, Oct 09, Accessed January 7, comOct Stem cell essay outline Cell Research Outline Topics: Biology Cell Health Medicine Science Stem Cell Stem Cell Research. Outline, Pages 1 words. Ability to become majority of tissue and organ cells b.

Cite this page Stem Cell Research Outline. Recent essay samples. Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research Pages: 3 words A Rundown of How Stem Cell Research and Treatment Works Pages: 2 words A Review on Stem Cell Therapy For Facial Neuropathic Pain Pages: 4 words Stem Cell Policy Changes Pages: 4 words Research Paper About Cell Phone Addiction Pages: 2 words Briefly outline the overall design of this piece of research? Pages: 2 words Research Paper On Global Warming Outline Pages: 2 words Water Pollution Research Paper Outline Pages: 2 words Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper Outline Pages: 4 words How Cell Phones Work Essay Pages: 4 words. Avoid submitting plagiarized assignments. Not Finding What You Need? Copying content is not allowed on this website.

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I leave it up for you to decide. Stem Cell Research Outline. com, Oct 09, Accessed January 7, com , Oct Stem Cell Research Outline Topics: Biology Cell Health Medicine Science Stem Cell Stem Cell Research. Outline, Pages 1 words. Ability to become majority of tissue and organ cells b. Cite this page Stem Cell Research Outline. Recent essay samples. Ivan Has Decided To Give His Persuasive Speech On Stem Cell Research Pages: 3 words A Rundown of How Stem Cell Research and Treatment Works Pages: 2 words A Review on Stem Cell Therapy For Facial Neuropathic Pain Pages: 4 words Stem Cell Policy Changes Pages: 4 words Research Paper About Cell Phone Addiction Pages: 2 words Briefly outline the overall design of this piece of research?

Pages: 2 words Research Paper On Global Warming Outline Pages: 2 words Water Pollution Research Paper Outline Pages: 2 words Teenage Pregnancy Research Paper Outline Pages: 4 words How Cell Phones Work Essay Pages: 4 words. Avoid submitting plagiarized assignments. Not Finding What You Need? Copying content is not allowed on this website. Ask a professional expert to help you with your text. ASK writer for help. Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need. Send me the sample. By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree to the terms and conditions of our service. We'll not send you spam or irrelevant messages. Please indicate where to send you the sample.

Please check your inbox. Go to My Inbox. regulations have been mostly hostile while around the world, the response toward the research has been positive. What is the legal culture in which the U. finds itself regarding stem cell research? What are the ethical considerations involving our participation in this new and infant field of science? What of other countries and their legal approach to stem cell research? This paper addresses these questions and presents the reader a case that stem cell research is a matter that should be scientifically pursued because of its potential and possibilities.

With any kind of science there are ethical considerations and much of the science is in its infancy in which hyped claims, fraud, and a lack of ethical frameworks can…. References Author Unknown Timeline: A Brief History of Stem Cell Research. Science Progress. November Stem Cell Research and Applications Monitoring the Frontiers of Biomedical Research. pdf Francis, B. MEDICAL SCIENCE: Media hype over cloning and embryo stem cells. News Weekly, 22, July Stem Cell Research Around the World. The media might present an issue as fact without verifying its truth via the appropriate channels, while the public in turn is eager to accept as fact what is presented to them, as this is much more simple than researching the issues themselves, or even simply verifying the truth of a stated fact.

Furthermore, the authors hold that simply educating the public regarding issues of scientific controversy is far too simple a solution for a problem of such complexity. Indeed, the variety of opinions as mixed with fact, along with personal and social religious and moral opinion make the issue far more than one of mere cognitive understanding. In the case of stem cell research specifically, personal, religious, and scientific opinion are also intertwined with politics, as well as either gloomy or bright predictions for a contradictory future should stem cell research be legalized. Indeed, there appears to be little…. References Calvari, a.

Governing the Nation, Leading the Party: The Party Politics of President Bush's Actions on Stem Cell Research. Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago. Dahmen, N. And Lundy, L. A Question of Ethics: Comparing Framing of Stem Cell Research in Evangelical and Mainstream News Media. Manship School of Mass Communication, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University. Forman, L. Stem Cell Research. Minnesota: ABDO Publishing Company. Liu, H. And Priest, S. Understanding Public Support for Stem Cell Research: Media Communication, Interpersonal Communication and Trust in Key Actors.

Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC. Stem cell research has generated much media attention in the last decade. Stem cells are a specific type of cell in the human body that can develop in many different types of cell types during the early life growth NIH, Stem cells are used today for the treatment of some diseases and scientists are hoping in the future it will be able to cure much more. At this point in the scientific research, stem cells have a limitless potential. Once it has been implanted in the living organism, the cell continues to divide without limit to replenish.

When a stem cell divides it has the potential to be another stem cell or another type of cell, such as a muscle cell, blood cell or even brain cell. Scientist has found that stem cell can provide therapy for many diseases. Scientist needs time and money to continuously research how this…. References Aaas policy brief: stem cell research. Stem Cell Pioneers. Smithsonian 36 9 Federal Register. Expanding Approved Stem Cell Lines in Ethically Responsible Ways. Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells. In this sense technology turns human life into just another product that can be created in a laboratory and which has no intrinsic or deeper religious value or meaning.

As John Paul II stated during a visit to America, "A free and virtuous society, which America aspires to be, must reject practices that devalue and violate human life at any stage from conception until natural death" Dart, , p. This also refers to the religious view that human life is sacred from there moment of conception and that stem cell research should be prevented as it in fact destroys the fetus in order to obtain the stem cells, This view is reiterated from different perspectives by theologians from various faiths. the breath of life; and man became a living soul life begins in a mother's….

Works Cited www. What Price Better Health? Hazards of the Research Imperative. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. Retrieved May 13, , from Questia database:. There are some embryos who are outside of this environment, and will not grow to be people, and are therefore suitable to use in stem cell research. There is a degree of moral ambiguity related to the debate of stem cell research -- based on the conception of when life actually begins. The acknowledgement of this aspect of the debate is acknowledged on both sides, and is a point of commonality between them. Scientists and researchers can only have opinions about this topic -- and cannot state with any degree of certainty what the actual answer for the inception of human life truly is.

Yet what truly decides the debate is the location of embryos. Since there are number of embryos existent outside a womb, "that remain after infertility treatment" Dresser 2 there are no moral boundaries for using these embryos for stem cell research. In conclusion, the use of…. Landry, D. This source provides an overview of the debate regarding morality of stem cell research. It posits that killing embryos should be reconsidered and viewed as organ donation. Napier, S. This source argues against the usage of stem cell research. However, it does not do so on moral grounds, but rather based on the fact that there are regulatory issues that affect women and their embryos. Saxena, a. This source enumerates and explains a number of different approaches and types of stem cell research.

Its aim is towards using those that do not directly harm embryos. ichard Hamilton , says that the embryo cells are very important because they can grow into any organ which can help to solve the increased need of organs for transplant in America. These young cells can be cultured into a new heart that can be used for transplant and save somebody's life which explains why I defend stem cell research. Economic growth, President George Bush in his famous August speech cited stem cell research as a source of income not only to the researchers but to the nation as a whole. After coming up with drugs that can treat some of the diseases that grossly affect people this would be a source of income.

New organs formed from embryonic stem cells would also be used for transplant which would also be a source of income. This therefore explains why I defend stem cell research and indeed say it should…. References Dianne N. Irving, Stem Cell Research: Some Pros And Cons. html Experiment Resources, Stem Cell Research- Pros and Cons. Stem Cell esearch The debate on stem cell research is getting more heated. The controversial research practice is said to be conducted in the hopes that some of humanity's major diseases will one day be a thing of the past. Yet, it is also clear that the controversy on the living nature of the stem cells used makes the argument against such research much stronger.

Stem cells contain human DNA, and have been used in research to try and unlock cures for serious disease and cases of paralysis caused by spinal injury. They are used within the context of growing medical research. In fact, there are three types of stem cells used. The embryonic stem cells often prove the most productive in that they have "the greatest potential in that they can theoretically become any of the cell types," obinson, 1. This is where the controversy begins. Those supporting…. References American Policy Roundtable. html Fox News. html Reaves, Jessica. html Robinson, B. Stem Cell esearch Case: Many people across the globe are experiencing a spanking liberty from affliction, disease, and infirmity due to the increasing frequency.

As several people experience physical restoration and healing in their bodies, their lives are transformed forever with renewed hope and strengthened faith. The healings and physical restoration emanate from the miraculous cures of adult stem cell research despite of the ongoing controversies in mass media that tend to dismiss and obscure medical breakthroughs achieved by the adult stem cell research activities. Actually, adult stem cell research has been widely ignored due to ethical concerns though it has been successful as compared to the embryonic stem cell treatments. Adult stem cell research is basically conducted on regenerative cells of the human body with the ability of plasticity i.

developing into other bodily tissues Hughes, Adult stem cell research has produced numerous exceptional results because the cells…. References: Hughes, B. Real-World Successes of Adult Stem Cell Treatment. htm "Parkinson's Patient Helped By Adult Stem Cell Research -- A Published Case Study. Zimbio: Stem Cell Research and Stem Cell Therapy. It has been theorized -- and proven in other creatures -- that stem cells could one day be used to regenerate or simply grow healthy nervous tissue, a heretofore unimaginable feat. The host of diseases, disorders, and injuries that this could treat and possibly eradicate would be a great boon to humanity. And this is only one application out of the many different uses currently being researched and hypothesized by those working in the stem cell field.

Because the promise of stem cells is so great, it is imperative that federal funding be made available to quicken the pace of research, and to establish more effective ways of using stem cells and directing further research. Governments are established to protect the people that they govern, otherwise the government would perish. Our government needs to do what it can to end the suffering of many with incurable diseases by increasing funding…. And perhaps most importantly of all, the U researchers continue, stem cells " provide our only window to the earliest stages of human development and, after differentiation, access to more specialized cells that could vastly improve our understanding of the onset of cell-based diseases, and perhaps ways to prevent them.

How many people could be helped, even relieved of enormous suffering, through successful stem cell science is unknown, but certainly there are millions who cry out for help. Medical researchers highly value stem cells because they can develop into many types of human tissue," according to an article in the ashington Post Babbington, Stem cells " hold promise for treating spinal injuries among several other afflictions," Babbington explains. Works Cited Babbington, Charles. Brainard, Jeffery. Europe Intelligence Wire. Stem Cell Research: The development of human embryos is largely attributed to the formation and development of stem cells. This is due to the fact that stem cells usually transform into several organs and tissues as the embryo develops into a fetus.

Therefore, stem cells are the foundation or source for all internal and external human organs and tissues. Actually, many researchers believe that these stem cells from the embryo can develop into any organs which are necessary for human transplantation. It's also suggested that the use of embryonic stem cells to develop specific cell types by scientists can be utilized to treat certain diseases in the future. Embryonic stem cell research is considered as a means of developing treatment for people suffering from heart, spinal cord and brain diseases and injuries.

On the contrary, this research is also viewed as a means of destroying innocent lives through the destruction…. Bibliography: Deem, Rich. html accessed March 31, htm accessed March 31, Stem Cells Ethics of Stem Cell Research Nothing has stimulated debate and controversy in America like the idea of stem cell research. Stem cells, which are often harvested from human embryos, have demonstrated the potential for a number of scientific and therapeutic purposes, from curing cancer and Alzheimer's disease, to repairing damage to hearts, kidneys, and other organs. Opponents of stem cell research claim that because these cells have the potential to develop into human life, that the harvesting of these cells from embryos, which results in the termination of the embryo, is immoral.

hether the embryo is left over from a fertility clinic, or created specifically for the purpose of harvesting these cells, opponents see no difference. Unfortunately those who oppose stem cell research base their argument on a flawed presupposition: that all potential human life must be treated as if it were a fully developed human life. Works Cited Allman, Toney. Stem Cells. Farmington Hills, MI: Lucent, PDF Francis, Amy. Should the Government Fund Embryonic Stem Cell Research? Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press. In the words of Obama, "Today, with the executive order I am about to sign, we will bring the change that so many scientists and researchers, doctors and innovators, patients and loved ones have hoped for, and fought for, these past eight years: We will lift the ban on federal funding for promising embryonic stem cell research," President Obama further said.

And we will aim for America to lead the world in the discoveries it one day may yield. Umbilical Cord Stem cells Compared to the controversies surrounding the embryonic stem cell research, umbilical cord…. asp 2 Audrey R. Chapman, PhD, Mark S. Frankel, PhD and Michele S. pdf 3 B. R Tejoda et. al , 'Cell Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus: An Opportunity for Stem cells? In collaboration with University of isconsin physician-scientists, Thomson has subsequently demonstrated the developmental potential of human embryonic stem cells in lineage-specific differentiation, such as blood, trophoblast, neural tissue and heart James. Currently his focus is directed on understanding how embryonic stem cells can "form any cell in the body, how an ES cell chooses between self-renewal and the initial decision to differentiate, and how a differentiated cell with limited developmental potential can be reprogrammed to a pluripotent cell" James.

Also of concern are issues of privacy and confidentiality. A woman donating her embryo or fetus to research may fear that the DNA that could exist indefinitely in these sources might one day be traced back to her, thereby revealing her identity and her association with the fertility clinic Young. For example, if the fetus is obtained via an abortion, whether it can be genetically traced back to the donor plays…. Works Cited James A. html Seely, Ron. December 30, Retrieved November 15, from HighBeam Research Library. Stem Cell Information. Retrieved November 15, from:. Unfortunately, these undifferentiated cells cannot be harvested or removed from an adult because an adult's cells have already matured.

Once matured, cells can't be overwritten to become another type of cell. but, embryonic cells are technically at a stage of growth where they are clearly cells but they have not yet reached a stage of becoming a specialized cell. Therefore, the stem cells can still be rewritten or redirected so to speak to become whatever type of specialized cell needed in a human body. In theory, stem cells would function as replacement parts for the body just like an automobile getting a new bumper after a fender bender. The really great news regarding this technology is that undifferentiated embryonic stem cells have been proven to proliferate indefinitely in controlled cultures.

As the world grasps the concept of finite resources such as oil and gold, this type of undifferentiated cell has…. Works Cited Five Years Later, Stem Cells Still Tantalize. University of Wisconsin. The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Fumento, Michael. Hughes, Kristina. A legislature. Michigan Legislature. This often means expanding the role of the nurse in the modern medical environment. One of the most important signs of the way that nursing has changed to deal with the problems and possibilities of cloning and stem cell research is that nurses have become more "genetically aware. Now that sequencing the human genome is completed, nurses are challenged with applying this genetic information to nursing practice.

Nursing has moved from the "old genetics" to the "new genetics," with the recognition that common diseases such as cancer and heart disease result from complex interactions between genetic factors and a variety of environmental exposures that trigger, accelerate, or exacerbate the disease process. Greco E. stem cell research and its future. The writer explores the history behind the research and then opens the debate on both sides, giving the reader the pros and cons from the vantage points of those who are involved with it. The writer then wraps the whole thing up with a discussion about how stem cell research can be allowed to continue so that the world can reap the benefits while still protecting the extremely strong feelings of the opposition.

There were 10 sources used to complete this paper. THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT FOR STEM CELL RESEARCH For the last several years, the debates around stem cell research have raged with emotions that run high. Those who are against it, line their reasons up and present them with fervor, while those who are for the research being continued, throw their own reasons into the mix. It is an international debate in…. pp 65 A. Wang, MIT president joins other university heads in supporting stem cell research. pp 70 US DEPT OF HHS: Fact sheet on stem cell research. In this light, it is argued that use of surplus blastocysts otherwise disregarded after in vitro fertilization might be less instrumental and less questionable than working with specifically designated embryos.

Yet, the fact that surplus IVF embryos are unwanted does not mark them as less human, the ethical implication being that humans have rights regardless if they are wanted or not. On the other hand, adult skin tissue-originated, induced pluripotent stem cell research "would leave a survivor behind who is the genetic source of an iPS cell line" Hyun 2. What is more, the use of adult stem cells is more likely to solve the problem of immune rejection, which may prove to be a major concern with the use of embryonic stem cells. It can be asserted that limits of research are yet unknown, therefore the whole process should be closely supervised by society. In the case of adult….

References Ahsan, T et al. Burlington: Elsevier, Grad, N. et al. Benefits and Ethical Challenges. January-February REBUTTAL: STEM CELL RESEARCH Stem Cell research is a horrible and flawed way of attempting to cater to the whims of narcissistic people who long to discover the proverbial fountain of youth and keys to perfect health. These individuals don't care anything about the lives of those they are destroying in an effort to enhance their own lives! If you value human life at all stages, it is only natural to oppose embryonic stem cell research because the taking the stems cells from an embryo means that the embryo will die. Who but a cruel and inhumane person will sanction the death of another human being so that they can live?

I think it's about time that science turn to other cures for diseases and illnesses that plague us. As stem cell research is not without its flaws, according to the Real Promise of Stem Cell Research by Dr. In the case of embryonic stem cell research, it would be the responsibility of legislators to identify the specific types of potential harms that would justify limitations on research or on research funding available through public funds. Given the uncontested fact that embryonic stem cell research applications have the potential to eliminate the need for organ transplantation, to regenerate limbs lost in traumatic amputations, to restore movement in cases of spinal paralysis, and to eliminate many of the most debilitating human diseases, there must be very legitimate specific concerns of potential harm to balance out those tremendously important benefits to society.

In fact, the primary basis for the moral objection to embryonic stem cell research is almost exclusively a function of the religious belief that human life is 1 created in "God's" image, and that 2 human life begins at conception. As is the case with other religious definitions and…. Sources Consulted Dershowitz a. Shouting Fire: Civil Liberties in a Turbulent Age. Hursthouse R. On Virtue Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Likewise, the use of computers for distance learning also raises issues of the relative quality of various academic programs since online programs are much less capable of being monitored and evaluated for quality and academic integrity than traditional "on-site" academic institutions Trotter, One of the negative consequences of the use of computers in education is that they can be misused as excuses for failing to complete and submit assignments on time in a digital-age form of the age-old "my dog ate my homework" story.

Institutions of higher education and high schools try to counter this contingency by making sure that students understand that it is always their responsibility to maintain the necessary common sense protocols such as backup…. References Li, C, and Irby, B. Trotter, a. The prospect of extracting DNA from the patient for combination with embryonic stem cells offers these patients the chance to live normal lives because the organs developed in this manner contain only the patient's own tissues. More importantly, this particular use of stem cell technology would spare the lives of the vast majority of needy organ recipients that die every year before a suitable organ can be found for them Kinsley, ; Pollack, Embryonic stem cells represent the greatest potential for medical applications, simply because they retain the greatest ability to develop into virtually any type of human tissue desired; they are capable of being extracted from fertilized human zygotes, such as the fertilized ova produced for each patient by the dozen in fertility clinics using in-vitro fertilization IVF techniques.

The Michigan proposal centers precisely around the beneficial use of the many excess zygotes produced in IVF clinics that…. Bibliography Hornstein, D. Detroit National Politics Examiner, October 20, Why Science Can't Save the GOP. Time Magazine, December 10, Pollack, a. After Stem-Cell Breakthrough the Real Work Begins. The New York Times, November. Satyanarayana, M. Charges Rampant on Stem Cell Issue: Look Into Claims Reveals Facts Behind Stances of Both Sides. The Detroit Free Press, October 12, The report suggested that the planned ban on human cloning should be evaluated inside of five years, but that it ought to be reassessed only if a fresh technical appraisal indicates that the actions are probable to be secure and successful, and if an extensive nationwide conversation on community, spiritual and ethical issues proposes that re-examination is necessary.

The panel deemed that the technical and medical contemplations that rationalize a ban on human reproductive cloning at this time do not relate to nuclear transplantation to create stem cells. For those who think that the embryo has the moral position of an individual from the instance of conception, study or any other action that would obliterate it is erroneous. For those who think the…. Do patients understand what it means to donate tissue to science? Not only that, but use of EG cells confuses stem cell research with the debate over abortion, bring up the risk of biasing emotions McDonald 7. So, while stem cell research is an exciting new field that holds much promise, ethical problems arise to delay research, discovery of benefits or dangers, and involve many who have no knowledge of the complexities of the field.

Though controversies usually accompany new discoveries in science, this biotechnological process involves manipulating the basis of life itself in embryonic stem cells. But the field is rapidly changing. hat is true today may be outmoded tomorrow. A neutral substitute for stem cells may be discovered that will prove to be the answer to these ethical questions. orks Cited Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Works Cited Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Hwang, W. Magnus, David and Cho, Mildred K. McDonald, Chris. Fall Analysis of the Issues: The ethical concern for the rights and welfare of viable infants is certainly a legitimate concern, but the central ethical analysis that pertains to stem cell research revolves around the issue of defining human life appropriately.

Objective criteria like anatomical development, cognitive awareness, and above all, sentience of any degree and in any form are all legitimate bases for the definition of life and for identifying the period of gestation corresponding to the earliest conceivable safeguards necessary to prevent suffering. On the other hand, purely subjective doctrinal claims without objective criteria of any kind are wholly inappropriate bases for defining scientific concepts like when life begins. The fact that human development varies among individuals and that it may be impossible to know exactly where sentience and other elements of "humanness" first begin in the fetus does not mean that it is impossible to identify periods of….

References Dershowitz, a. Boston: Little Brown, Healy, B. On Health: The Other Stem Cells; U. Hellemans, a. Stem Cell Ethics Debating the Ethics of Stem Cells The term 'stem cells' can mean different things to different people. For some, it conjures images of medical miracles providing solutions for heart disease, diabetes, and dementia. For others, it terrifies with a future filled with cloned humans. Still others cringe at the thought of mass producing cultured human embryos for the sole purpose of providing organs and tissues for a paying public.

As with most complex issues, news media coverage tends to exaggerate easily understood concepts at the expense of the overall truth and the public accordingly remains ignorant of the subtleties surrounding this debate. This seems to add fuel the emergence of polarized camps and a shrinking of a common middle ground. To better define this middle ground, this essay will discuss both sides of this debate and argue instead that the vast majority of people would likely support…. Works Cited Antiniou, Michael. The author argues that the use of embryonic stem cells for research and medicine poses significant ethical and moral issues that cannot be overcome. Of particular concern is the potential for reproductive cloning, a door that the author believes was opened when the UK government approved the use of embryonic stems cells for research and medicine.

Blow, Nathan. The author presents several issues facing researchers who work with stem cells and discusses why they are important to advancing this field of research. Of primary concern is developing standard protocols for producing stem cells and creating the necessary protocols and reagents that will allow the therapeutic use of stem cells in humans. Leeb, C. The focus of this article is the promises and limitations of embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells, from the perspective of scientists working in this field. The ethical decisions concerning the use of embryonic stem cells are only mentioned in passing.

Power, Carl and Rasko, E. The authors discuss in detail the three main types of stem cell technologies: embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent. Ethical issues are mentioned occasionally, but not discussed. This controversial decision drew all kinds of reactions from different groups on each side of the issue. Some adversaries of hESC research expressed admiration for the decision limiting research to existing cell lines, while others said that no research should be allowed under any circumstances. Advocates of hESC research, meanwhile, generally praised the president for allowing some research to go forward, but criticized the restriction to existing cell lines as too strict, questioning whether enough research would be allowed.

Current U. Stem Cell Policy under President Obama The March 9, EO changes the way the National Institutes of Health NIH can support and conduct human stem cell research. The Secretary of Health and Human Services HHS , through the NIH Director, is required to review existing NIH and other widely-recognized guidelines on human stem cell research and issue new NIH guidance within days of the date of the EO…. Bibliography AAAS Policy Brief: Stem Cell Research. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Executive Summary. The National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research.

Register, Federal. Study of human embryonic stem cell will lead to major advances in human biology, specifically: Embryonic stem cell research will provide critical insights into mechanisms of cell differentiation, growth, and death Young, Understanding stem cells may provide keys to why people age Young, orks Cited Mitalipova, Maisam et. Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines Derived from Discarded Embryos AlphaMed Press. Morality of…. Works Cited Mitalipova, Maisam et. Morality of Stem Cells.. ppt Embryonic Stem Cells; an Introduction to Science ethics and Legislation..

ppt Mining Stem Cells.. Stem cells are a hot topic for the media today because our understanding of them has potential for incredible scientific advances in the field of biotechnology, yet we struggle because there are questions of morality raised by the methods by which they might be used. While in centuries past, it was commonly accepted within the scientific community to vivisect the mentally insane or criminally convicted for the purpose of scientific knowledge, today religious groups are concerned about the fate of single stem cells being used in experiments. Stem cells have paved the way to cloning and bioengineering of humans, allowing scientists to "bring A sperm and ovum together to create an embryo, harvesting the cells, and then discarding the embryo.

Bibliography Bell, H. Stem Cells ithout a doubt, one of the most controversial topics of popular discourse is stem cell research. Indeed, one would be hard pressed to peruse the newspaper or magazine stand without encountering some reference to the global stem cell debate -- but what, exactly, are stem cells, and why are they so controversial? Stem cells intended for use in human applications are harvested from humans, umbilical cords and embryos. The reason these cells are so valuable is because of their capability to produce or "become" other cell types -- for example, brain cells, heart cells, skin, etc. In short, these are "master cells," holding the ability to divide in cultures, and to be manipulated allowing it to transform into any type of cell.

Of course, this is extremely important due to the fact that scientists can use this capability to either create organs thereby helping to meet the tremendous…. Works Cited Hall, MiMi and Kiely, Kathy. July Retrieved from Web site on 15 March, Unfortunately, a tremendous amount of valuable research has been put on hold ever since the ban of federal funding for stem cell research. In the United States, the vast majority of medical research of all types that eventually lead to cures for disease are funded by the federal government. The federal ban on stem cell research does not completely prohibit it, but the effect is nearly the same, just as it would be if the federal government withdrew funding for cancer or diabetes research.

The main opposition to stem cell research comes from the Religious Right who believe that any form of research using fetal stem cells is wrong, because according to their religious views, every fertilized human egg should be considered as much a human being as any living person, even a microscopic zygote consisting of nothing more than four cells of human tissue. Certainly, the concept of religious…. eferences Condic, M. What We Know about Embryonic Stem Cells. Patel, K. President Bush and Stem Cell Policy: The Politics of Policy Making. Pickrell, J. com news service. Bioethics and the Stem Cell esearch Debate. Stem Cell Basics. Stem Cell Information from the National Institute of Health, U.

Department of Health and Human Services. Values Conflicts in Stem-Cell esearch: Governments Struggle with Bioethical Issues. Precursor cells are also known as pluripotent cells, i. References Condic, M. Bioethics and the Stem Cell Research Debate. However, we can immediately see that their purposes are distinct from one another. From a design standpoint, one grievance with Sanford Burnham is the shortage of active links to immediately usable information. First and foremost, it is of note that in a page with several eye-catching graphics pertaining to particular site destinations the Center for Nanomedicine, Sanford Burnham's blog none of these photographs is used as an active link. This is a missed opportunity for site usability that may be perceived as being of marginal importance but in reality can have significant impact on how long a visitor remains on a site and how many pages said visitor is inclined to click-through.

This is a shortcoming easily resolved but does impact the site's relative dynamism. The importance of such a matter is highlighted in a comparison between the two sites, with Research America ultimately compiling a site that is a…. The primary roles of adult stem cells in a living organism are to maintain and repair the tissue in which they are found. they can theoretically divide without limit to replenish other cell each new cell has the potential to either remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell. Researchers tout the belief that a manipulation of stem cells can be beneficial in curing many diseases as well as helping in creating or developing new life, which could be part of the reason why such….

Works Cited Info Center. National Institute for Health, U. Department of Health and Human Services, www. defaultpage, Accessed November 13, Growth and development of the human body arises from the stem cell and is maintained by it. Although all cells can divide or copy themselves, stem cells are unique because they can replicate and create all other types of cells. This ability of the stem cell to develop into any of the cell types that make up the human body makes it a powerful tool for biological research and medicine. Scientists believe that stem cell research has the potential of leading to previously incurable diseases. How are Stem Cells Formed? When a sperm cell fertilizes an egg, a zygote fertilized egg is formed.

The zygote divides itself almost immediately to form stem cells. These unspecialized stem cells have the ability to replicate to form other stem cells and to make all other specialized cells…. James Harper. html Research Issues. stem cells. It will consider the current moral discourse on the issue of stem cells and at the same time look at the basics or the foundation of stem cells themselves. How these cells can be utilized to conduct studies in cloning will be dwelt upon as well. The pertinent issue on the floor of the U.

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