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Egyptian civilization essay

Egyptian civilization essay

Wormnaes, Siri Cross-cultural Collaboration in Special Teacher Education: An arena for facilitating reflection? Both works use detailed decoration as the basis for their design, and both designs are simple and yet elegant in their style and function. This marked a time where farming and egyptian civilization essay played a major role in life of an Egyptian. The city's name originates from the Arabic expression Al-Q-hirah, which means the triumphant or the victorious. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, His outrage taints much of his narrative, but it is hardly unreasonable. The most generally accepted definition of a myth is that, myths are stories regarding the gods, egyptian civilization essay.

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Egypt is found in the Northeastern part of Africa in the Nile area. Ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the earliest civilization in the worlds history coming in second after the Sumerians in Mesopotamia Trigger, In history, the civilization started at around BC after the egyptian civilization essay of the lower Nile Valley under a single ruler. Ancient Egyptians life was based around River Nile and the productive land around it. The area produced bountiful surpluses that were egyptian civilization essay to advance overseas diplomacy and trade, fund the wild lives of the elite and remuneration of warfare invasion.

If this sample essay on "History of Egyptian Civilization. The Egyptian language was second to Sumerians as the earliest languages to be written down. The first appearance of the words was on a stone and pottery at around B. to B. Trigger, The writings were referred to as hieroglyphic, which ranges from a sound, a word to a symbol. The Egyptian hieroglyphic writing comprised of numerous symbols, which are either in columns or rows and were solely utilized in tombs and monuments made of stone. Subsequently, Demotic was introduced as a new form of writing. It was a phonetic, semi-alphabetical script that later on developed into a language employed in temples, high culture, and literature, egyptian civilization essay.

Egyptian art was expressed in sculptures and paintings. It was very captivating and symbolic since the art form was meant to maintain life in history. The art forms are defined by their uniformity and through the depiction of nature and human beings. The Egyptians artists focused on originality and ensured that all the details in the present time were egyptian civilization essay. They paid more attention to completeness rather that beauty of the sculptures, egyptian civilization essay. The Egyptian 2D style was represented in statues, tombs, and temples. Stones and rocks were used in the carving of the statues and sometimes wood since it was inexpensive while the paint was from the surrounding mineral ores.

Stone was also found in abundance and come in various colors. Most of the sculptures were painted in vibrant colors Trigger, The wall paintings applied egyptian civilization essay tombs represent every days buoyant sights, which keep ancient civilization alive, egyptian civilization essay. The elites houses had painted walls, as well as views of birds, water pools, deities, geometric designs and people. The ancient Egyptians constructed their tombs, temples, palaces and pyramids from stone since it was very durable.

The laborers and artisans involved were highly trained, and the resulting built forms ooze sophistication. Egyptian buildings also had decorations using 3D statues, carved stone images, paintings, and hieroglyphs. The Egyptian artwork tells a story. The stories are quite different ranging from the Pharaohs story to those of the ordinary people, the gods, nature, animals, and egyptian civilization essay. The opulence and exquisiteness of these sites are incomparable. It remains a mystery how ancient Egyptians constructed such massive, impeccably beautiful structures. Some of the most notable structures in Egypt include the Pyramids of Giza, egyptian civilization essay.

The elites mansions were beautifully decorated, egyptian civilization essay, constructed around courtyards and had painted wall while the average to poor Egyptians lived in a modest wood, mud or brick house. Egyptian civilization resulted into some of the most beautiful art and architectural work in history. The build forms, as well as the artwork demonstrated throughout ancient Egyptian civilization, is incomprehensible and equally inspiring, egyptian civilization essay. Smith, W. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt Vol. Yale University Press. Trigger, B. Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt in Context. American Univ in Cairo Press. If you are the original author of this egyptian civilization essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal:.

Sorry, but it's not possible to copy the text due to security reasons. Enter your email to get this essay sample. Enter your email and we'll send you a properly formatted printable version of this essay right away. History of Egyptian Civilization. Essay Sample Date: History Egyptian civilization essay Ancient Egypt Ancient History. This essay has been submitted by a student. Trust an expert. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal: Request. Similar essays:, egyptian civilization essay. Submit your request. First Name First name should have at least 6 letters. Last Name Last name should have at least 6 letters. Email Please enter valid email.

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Increased output and variety of agriculture B. The Nile River is heavily populated with fish 1. Certain regions of Nile had unreliable flooding, causing some to resort to fishing 2. Size and amount of fish was very large IV. Conclusion A. The Nile River provided Egyptians many necessities 1. Hydration, farming, irrigation, fish etc. The Nile River provided a more positive and efficient way of life 4. Why did early Egyptian civilization develop along the Nile River? There are many reasons as to why groups of people found it much more advantageous to develop their society along these specific geographical features. Some reasons may be deemed necessity, while others could be considered luxury; however there seems to be a consistent factor that caused ancient societies to develop along rivers.

Just like every other civilization, the Egyptians needed water. Early Egyptian civilization developed along the Nile River because water was very scarce elsewhere in Egypt. It is common knowledge that in order to survive in life, all human beings require water. It has been a necessity to the human race since the dawn of time. One place that usually has very scarce water resources or none at all is a desert. A desert is a region that few life forms can survive; especially humans, because of lack of water or absence of soil. The eastern portion of the Sahara desert consumes Egypt making the survival of its people depend majorly on the characteristics of the desert. The Sahara desert; throughout history, has undergone many climate changes forcing Egyptians to alternate back and forth from establishing land based civilizations or to organizing along the Nile River.

After the last ice age; approximately 22, years ago, it is proven that the Sahara was very similar to what it is today, which is very dry, arid and lacking the necessary water resources for survival. This resulted in the original migration to the Nile River by the very early Egyptians. However; several thousand years later, massive amounts of rain and precipitation began to consume the once dry wasteland and converted it into a habitable area capable of supporting human life, along with vegetation and livestock. Due to the moist environment present along the steppe, it was a period for Egyptians where they were not solely dependent on the Nile River because their water requirements; along with the benefits water brings, were readily available elsewhere.

Egyptians enjoyed cattle-raising and there was also a plentiful amount of game, which resulted in hunting to become very popular and also an excellent source of food. This marked a time where farming and cattle-raising played a major role in life of an Egyptian. But this period came to an end around 7, years ago when rain began to decrease substantially, leading to the eventual desertification of the Sahara Desert, causing the Egyptian population to shift back toward the Nile River. It is obviously noticeable that Egyptian way of life and survival depended on the availability of water resources. They once enjoyed pastor lands in the ancient habitable Sahara desert, but due to massive climate changes, water became extremely scarce and non-existent forcing them to once again depend on the Nile.

The Nile River provided life to what was a desert wasteland that surrounded the people located in Egypt. Due to the extreme decrease in rainfall throughout Egypt; resulting from the massive climate change of the Sahara Desert, the early Egyptians began to depend majorly on the yearly cycles of the Nile. The Nile River had yearly floods in which the Egyptians relied on to water their crops to provide a food source in order to survive. The way in which this strategy was used was the river normally flooded around mid July and would eventually consume the land with a thin layer of water until approximately October. Once the field was fertile farmers would have either humans or large animals; such as oxen, pull plows which allowed the planting of seeds.

This process laid the basis for very fertile land able to able to grow a substantial amount of crops. However, sometimes flooding would result in many crops dying. To prevent this from happening and losing crops, many channels within the soil were created to guide the water to the crops. When the flood was low the channels would open, allowing crops the access to water. When the flood was high the channels would close at a certain point so only some water could reach the crops and the crops would not flood. This process is called irrigation. Without the Nile River, water resources and techniques to productively use the water to survive would not have been found or developed.

Egyptians used the Nile to the best of their advantage and accomplished many achievements, since the Nile was a steady water supply Egyptians were able to focus on more efficient farming. Due to having a river civilization, the great opportunity of being able to increase the output of agriculture and also the variety of the agricultural output, provided the Egyptians a more efficient and productive way of life. Egyptians were able to increase the amount of cultivated land, which had a major influence on the agricultural yield. Along with the increase in fertile land, the Egyptians developed tools and technique to better prepare the soil for planting. This process would not have been possible elsewhere because water was extremely scarce. Due to the different fluctuations of flooding and other natural events, the Nile was sometimes found to be unreliable to its inhabitants surrounding it.

In different regions, there was either over flooding or very shallow flooding making agriculture and harvesting very difficult and or even sometimes impossible. Therefore, the Egyptians necessity for water and dependence on the Nile River was not based solely on the benefits of farming and irrigation. The Nile River was an ultimate food source because not only did it allow the growth of food from the earth but it also provided a plentiful amount of fish. This resulted in many Egyptians resorting to hunting for fish. In addition, the quote also states that the gods…. The Egyptians made temples using their skill in architecture in order to create temples as a place to worship their perspective gods and goddesses.

Furthermore, the Egyptians used hieroglyphics in order to write down their religious beliefs. Similarly, future civilizations were influenced by the Egyptians and also put a large focus on their religion. Both served their polytheistic gods to protect them from the harsh environments they were settled in. Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt had many differences when it came to the culture, people, and religion. However, many similarities arise in how they brought up famous civilizations which will continue to be known through…. From being the inventor of the great pyramids of what made Egypt so recognizable as a civilization today, to being the father of medicine that possibly saved Egypt from dying out of disease, to becoming a god from a common man and everything in between, it is clearly shown that Imhotep is one of the most important Egyptians alive.

If we look at the equality and women rights, the life of men and women in Athens and Sparta was quite different. Sparta would be considered to be the best polis because Spartan life was simple. The focus was on obedience and war. Life was not easy for Athenian women. They did not enjoy the same rights or privileges as males. From the role of mistress, to housewife, to a cunning warrior, women played a big role in Ancient Greek society. Although most were denied access to power, they maintained life at home and in the family, which consequently degraded their status in society and left them with little time for themselves.

But family life was a main focal point in their lives. Because women were less powerful physically, they were seen as less than men, therefore they needed men as their guardians. In Mesopotamia, the city-states were ruled by religion and in Egypt, the empire was dictated by what the gods said and wanted them to do. Both Ancient Civilizations were built on the principles of religion. The people of Mesopotamia and Egypt believed in multiple gods and both perceived them as human like, or with animalistic features. While Mesopotamians feared their gods and believed that their afterlife was full of misery, Egyptians adored their gods and believed that their afterlife was splendid and to be celebrated.

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