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Drugs in sport essay

Drugs in sport essay

Using drugs by a section of players compromises the credibility and integrity of the results Wilson, p. I believe if students from Year 8 start to learn that taking performance enhancing drugs is wrong then by the time they have reached a professional level they are very aware of the policies and less inclined to use drugs and suffer the consequences. Drug Abuse Prevention Programming, Do we know what content works? That selected topic shall be substance and drug abuse in adolescents, drugs in sport essay. In the world of sports, people are judged little by how hard they work or how many years they might put into training their bodies for peak drugs in sport essay performance.

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Drug is one of the greatest evil of mankind. There so many essays on drugs and essays on drugs addiction written that it seems there is no point to discuss this problem again. However, we decided to study another concerning issue of drugs in sports. So read this drugs in sports essay, and I hope that the examples of the famous athletes will convince you one more time in the harmfulness of drugs. In our modern world unfortunately the spread of drugs became usual phenomenon. And people who are engaged in professional sports or train on a home gym also face such a problem as drugs.

But what is sad that not everyone refuses to take them. A person who inhaled the dose of the drug begins to feel a burst of strength and energy, drugs in sport essay, but in fact he becomes weaker and in some time become very weak and helpless. Without the drug person can no longer enter the ring or play, for example, football and so on. Since the action lasts no more than an hour, a sportsman or any other drugs in sport essay gets nervous and feels depression, drugs in sport essay. It is very easy drugs in sport essay get used to cocaine, so you should not even try to begin.

According to surveys of the student-athletes, some of them take marijuana to enhance the mood, others to handle the stress. Unfortunately, all these effects are only temporary, but the consequences are quite real. The heart suffers the most. Taking of such a hard drug may lead to the following consequences: gangrene, muscle paralysis, blockage of blood vessels and eventually person dies, because the more one takes the drug, drugs in sport essay, the more he wants to continue its effect. No one from drug addicts wants to listen about the possible consequences. This is the most common drug in our time. But in fact, if one takes even few pills for a couple of time, it will cause irreversible consequences.

And not only a sportsman, but also an ordinary person will not be able drugs in sport essay control his actions. However, having returned to the real world, he will not like it. So it leads to further drug taking. Alcohol abuse leads to the fact that a sportsman not only gets out of shape, but also loses the health, it effects liver, kidneys and even heart. Constant alcohol abuse leads to the fact that an athlete eventually loses ground and is no longer able to be engaged in sports fully.

These are just a few types of basic drugs, but also there are many others that effect the body negatively, drugs in sport essay. So according to everything mentioned above we can make a conclusion that sport and drugs can not exist together. Some time ago the sport world vigorously discussed the news that one of the most prominent tennis players, ex-first racket of the world and a universal favorite Martina Hingis was convicted of cocaine use. However, she did not recognize the fact of drug use, but we do not have reasons to doubt the results of the English Laboratory that discovered during Wimbledon in her doping sample the traces of cocaine. Besides, Hingis immediately announced about her professional career completion, and it means that one of the greatest evil of the world broke another drugs in sport essay fate.

Anyway, Hingis claimed that she leaves professional tennis because of the age and trauma. A lot of people drugs in sport essay one and the same question: why do sportsmen need it? In case of cocaine specialists claim that this drug makes an athlete feel euphoria and brings him confidence in his own abilities. So this is not just a drug, this is doping. There are a lot of cases of cocaine use by professional athletes in tennis. They both were disqualified for three months. It is known that American tennis player Jennifer Capriati also used drugs. However, she managed to overcome this problem, returned to tennis and in became the first racket of the world. Unfortunately, not all the athletes win in the fight drugs in sport essay drugs.

One of the losers was a great cyclist Marco Pantani, whom fans called Pirate because of the characteristic appearance. He was never officially caught in drug taking, but rumors about his passion to crack constantly circulated in drugs in sport essay world of cycling. And in the last years of his life Pantani stopped hiding his addiction. The examination showed that he died of a cocaine overdose. Many people think that there is nothing wrong in marijuana smoking, but it is not like that. So the tendency of marijuana popularization and even its legalization among the athletes is very disturbing.

Light drug problem in sports is very urgent. In many countries, for example in the United States, such sports as skateboarding, snowboarding, etc are very popular, and it is believed that the most important thing is swagger, ability to present yourself. So why do athletes take marijuana? It is not needed for the result. So do they take it for the boldness? Anyway, light drugs are the indicator of the modern way of life. In such a way going in for sport turns into young addict school. Light drug can really give the feeling relaxedness that sometimes helps during performance. But the disadvantages of taking drugs are extremely dangerous. By the way, drugs in sport essay, today there is a new tendency for creation the atmosphere of intolerance to drugs.

The most popular athlete who ever used drugs was great soccer player Diego Armando Maradona. Millions of people, not only in Argentina, but all over the world considered him their idol. The second test just proved this fact. As a result, the brilliant player was banned from football for 15 months. Later he admitted that he used to take drugs since the mids, when he moved from Barcelona to Naples. Besides, he wanted to experience new feelings. After disqualification Maradona tried to return to football for many times.

Being in the national team for the World Championship in he was caught in using drugs again, drugs in sport essay. There was another long disqualification. For the third time Maradona was caught in Since that time, drugs in sport essay, he constantly struggles with drug addiction, but without much success. Time to time he even gets in intensive care, but it does not stop the star. The first player who was officially convicted of drug use on the world championships was Haiti national team quarterback Ernest Jean-Joseph. And the loudest since the days of Maradona narcotic scandal happened with famous Romanian forward Adrian Mutu.

In the player was caught on cocaine use, at that time Mutu was very upset by the divorce with his wife. In the mid 90's he admitted publicly that he abused alcohol, and then underwent treatment. It was rumored that the British quarterback also used to take light drugs. So as you can see the examples of taking drugs by athletes are numerous and almost each case has tragic consequences for the health, career and life in general. I hope that this essay on drug drugs in sport essay convinced you once again how much harm drugs cause in our life. If you want to read more essays on urgent topics, drugs in sport essay, visit Puressay. com then. This is the first-class essay writing service that provides you with original essays written by the team of professional writers.

Contact us for more details. Toggle navigation. Home Services Blog Order Now Login. Essay On Drug Abuse: Drugs In Sports. Drugs and sport In our modern world unfortunately the spread of drugs drugs in sport essay usual phenomenon. Sports on drugs Why drugs occupy an increasingly important place in the lives of athletes. What ruined the Pirate A lot of people ask one and the same question: why do sportsmen need it? Football genius sunset The most popular athlete who ever used drugs was great soccer player Diego Armando Maradona.

Following in the footsteps of Maradona The first player who was officially convicted of drug use on the world championships was Haiti national team quarterback Ernest Jean-Joseph. Calculate Your Price. Recent posts.

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May 5th Drug Tests and Government Benefits Recently, there has been discussion regarding government benefits, such as unemployment. This discussion has focused on a new, potential requirement to receive benefits such as welfare: drug testing. People who are applying for benefits like welfare or unemployment would have to be tested for illegal drugs Alcindor, If they were found to use drugs, they could be denied benefits. This would seen to make sense, because those who are out of work and needing government assistance should not be spending the money they do receive on illegal drugs or other nefarious activities. However, the American taxpayers are concerned about where the money for the drug tests will come from, and the federal government is already stating that states which pass this drug testing law for benefits will be in violation of federal law.

That means these states could lose out on millions of dollars…. Works Cited Adams, Brooke. Guv signs off on welfare recipient drug-screening program. The Salt Lake Tribune. csp Alcindor, Yamiche 29 February States consider drug testing welfare recipients. USA Today. Bill to drug test welfare recipients dies in Colorado House in second reading. Denver Post. Drugs and Pregnancy The habit of taking drugs continually well into the pregnancy stages of a woman has been associated with several effects that the drugs may have on the fetus. There have been several arguments posited by various groups depending on their standpoint about the issue of drug abuse and pregnancy.

There have also been attempts, as seen in this session, to classify the drugs into those that do not arm the fetus and those that can in some way hurt the fetus. Having gone through the entire course and getting exposed to numerous materials, there is one thing that stands out clear and I came to understand with insurmountable evidence, the fetus is adversely affected by the drugs that the mother takes. This is true bearing that the fetus depends on the mother for entirely everything for its survival. The central issues identified during the entire session include….

References Reuter Setting priorities: budget and program choices for drug control. The University of Chicago Legal Forum, pp. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Abuse among Pregnant Women in the U. Drug Crime Does research evidence suggest that current policies on drugs and crime are still appropriate? While "tough" policies designed to curb drug use and distribution are attractive politically, and look good on paper, research shows that such policies are no longer appropriate. Instead of responding to drug use as a public health problem, governments like that of the United States and the United Kingdom still regards criminalization as "the sine qua non-of responsible policy-making," Downes and Morgan, , p. Unfortunately, the criminalization approach happens to also be irresponsible policy making based on emotion rather than fact.

Governments with criminalization policies like the United States and Great Britain show a disturbing "state of denial" about the way criminalization creates and enhances organized crime, and may have even exacerbated some types of substance abuse Downes and Morgan, , p. Drug use patterns have also changed dramatically, requiring an intelligent…. References Downes, D. And Morgan, R. Maguire, M. Morgan and R. Reiner eds The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press. South, N. Maguire, R. Morgan, and R. Reiner eds The Oxford Handbook of Criminology 4th edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press. One of the most pressing problems with the doping incidents is that punishment is so lax in many arenas.

The WADA recommends a two-year ban from the sport, but increasing the time could reduce the number of doping incidents. An athlete might be less likely to turn to performance enhancing drugs of any kind if they knew they could face a ban for life, or a five-year or more ban from their chosen sport. Laws regarding the use of banned substances should be reviewed and updated so they are the same for each sport, and so they increase the culpability of the players involved. Since many of these athletes serve as heroes and role models to the children of the world, they owe it to them to come clean, stay clean, and support stricter enforcement in their specific sports.

Lance Armstrong, in his comeback maneuver, could serve as a catalyst…. References Editors. Economists are concerned with the impact that the sale of drugs has on both individual and economic freedoms and frame their argument from this perspective. Others argue that reliance on the criminal justice system has not produced significant results and that it is time to reframe the argument to focus on the education, prevention, and treatment of drugs. From the economic perspective, there are apparent differences between government prohibition and legalization of drugs. These figures are also significant in state and local law enforcement agencies with drug related incidents making up one fifth of the total investigative resources and drug enforcement activities.

In fact, ten percent of all arrests are…. References Millhorn, M. North Americans' attitudes toward illegal drugs. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 19 2 , Miron, J. The economics of drug prohibition and drug legalization. Social Research, 68 3 , National Institute on Drug Abuse The economic cost of alcohol and drug abuse in the United States. National Institute of Health Publication, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. National household survey on drug abuse main findings, What further makes interpretation of results difficult to precisely define quantify is that the amount of drug stores depends on the nature of the drug itself, the duration of the ingestion of the drug, and the composition of the tissue holding the drug and the frequency of use.

The greater the incidence of drug use the more permanent the level of toxins and chemicals in tissues throughout the body, and therefore the greater the probability of catching chronic drug users in drug testing. Thea difficult part of using drug tests periodically is the longitudinally there may be peaks and valleys to the incidence of drug abuse. Companies have begun surprise inspections of their workers in the most potentially dangerous occupations including forklift workers, construction workers, airline pilots, and heavy equipment workers.

Despite these shortcomings of tests, the advances made in drug testing technologies are gradually overcoming these obstacles related to…. References Alleyne, B. Stuart, and R. Journal of occupational medicine Baltimore 33 4 , Gerber, J. And G. Yacoubian, Jr. An assessment of drug testing within the construction industry. J Drug Education 32 1 Koch, K. Foltin, and M. Drugs in the workplace: research and evaluation data. Rockville, Maryland Drug addiction is not merely a failure of will or weakness in character, however having this 'brain disease' does not absolve the addict of responsibility for his or her behavior, but it does explain why an addict feels compelled to continue using drugs Leshner Environmental cues that surround an individual's initial drug use and development of the addiction, actually become "conditioned" to the drug use and thus are critical to the problem of addiction Leshner Therefore, when those cues are present at a later time, "they elicit anticipation of a drug experience and thus generate tremendous drug craving" Leshner This type of cue-induces craving is one of the most frequent causes of drug use relapses, independently of whether drugs are available and even after years of abstinence Leshner In March , it was reported that researchers from Liverpool, England discovered a gene that directly affects the….

Works Cited Changeux, Jean-Pierre. Drug use and abuse. Retrieved November 06, from HighBeam Research Library. Eaves, Lindon J. Familial influences on alcohol use in adolescent female twins: testing for genetic and environmental interactions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Goldman, Erik. Genetic tests could improve future drug abuse treatment. Family Practice News. Heroin Addiction Cuts Across All Social Boundaries, Caron Foundation Study Reports. In jails, not one of the violent criminals was under the influence of heroin at the time their crime was committed.

Twenty-one percent of state inmates incarcerated for violent crime were under the influence of alcohol alone at the time they committed their crime. The number of those under the influence of marijuana alone was too small to be recorded statistically. National These facts indicate that it is not the drug users that are committing the crimes, but the people who deal with drugs. If there was no money to be gained from dealing with drugs, these criminals would have to find legitimate jobs and the police would only have to worry about traffic.

The efforts to target youth with drug education in the ar on Drugs has fallen far short of its original goals. Works Cited Drug Enforcement Division. City of Orlando Police Investigations, Orlando Police Department Website. htm Madigan, Lisa, "Strategies for Fighting Meth: Law Enforcement Strategies. html content National Center on Addition and substance Abuse at Columbia University CASA Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America's Prison Population. New York: Columbia University, McCaffrey, Barry R.. The National Drug Control Strategy, A Ten-Year Plan. Washington, DC: Office of National Drug Control Policy, Particularly, in the lives of elementary school students, skilled and qualified police officers who educate and lecture the program have turned out to be vital figures; in addition to that, in thousands of communities, the program's red symbol has taken on symbolic status on -shirts and bumper stickers 1.

If the evaluation and measurement for the accomplishment of D. is fame and recognition amongst the masses, then yes: D. has been extremely successful in magnetizing extensive admiration, as well as monetary support. Furthermore, D. has accomplished a point of observation unmatched and unequalled by any…. The writer highlights that in spite of vast promises, in the past two decades statistics have pointed to a sharp augment in the use of drugs in the United States. Stewart I. Drug Abuse Prevention Programming, Do we know what content works? Journal of American Behavioral Scientist. Vol 39, no. While it is definitely true that these companies spend a great deal of money on research and development, for which they certainly deserve and in fact need to be compensated not to mention their right to make a profit, and the fact that profit potential is a major driver in innovation , the amount of profit and compensation that comes solely from the United States is inordinate when compared to that provided by other countries.

Nearly half of all revenue going to pharmaceutical companies every year comes from United States' consumers Sawkar, The argument that drug reimportation would damage companies' innovation and profit potentials implies that it is the United States' sole responsibility to provide funds for these goals; if reimportation were allowed then prices would even out, meaning other countries would start paying a fair share towards research and development costs while the United States would experience a savings. References Choudhry, N. A perspective on U. drug reimportation. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 3.

High U. drug prices: Causes and cures. Paper presented for The Drug Reimportation Debate. Retrieved from www. doc Wu, M. Y, Kennedy, J. Coverage of atypical antipsychotics among Medicare drug plans in the state of Washington: Changes between and Primary Care Companion Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 11 6 , Unfortunately, the American government has been looking in the wrong place for these models, especially in Asia and Latin America. For example, the coca plant from which cocaine is derived grows in abundance in many geographical regions of northern South America and in Central America, where growers make huge profits as compared to efforts to force farmers and peasants to grow legal crops which inevitably do not produce enough profits in order to survive.

Of course, over the last twenty years or so, the U. federal government has done much and at great expense to attempt to eradicate the growing of coca but these efforts have also failed miserably. As Nadelmann relates, even if foreign supplies of coca and other drugs like heroin could be cut off, "the drug abuse problem in the U. would scarcely abate," due to the fact that much if not most of the drugs like…. Bibliography Nadelmann, Ethan a. Common sense drug policy. Foreign Affairs. Substance use is frequently associated with child abuse and domestic violence. It also is a leading contributor to marital dissatisfaction, family breakups and rejection of family members. The importance of the family in understanding alcohol and drug use and abuse is underlined by these highly destructive consequences of alcohol and drug dependency on the abuser and the family.

Lala; Straussner; Fewell, 17 Peer Group plays an important part in resolving the problem as they are able to take the drug or alcohol abuser more into confidence compared to others since most people associate themselves with their respective peer group in terms of habits, tastes and concerns. It has been demonstrated that a drug abuser will definitely abide by a member of the peer group to which he belongs and obey requests of abstinence more than anyone else. Educational system also plays an important role in tackling the prevalence of the…. References Ammerman, Robert T; Ammerman, Peggy J. Ott; Tarter, Ralph E.

Lala, Shulamith; Straussner, Ashenberg; Fewell, Christine Huff. Laufer, William S. The Legacy of Anomie Theory: Advances in Criminological Theory. Therefore, a closer look at what is needed is in order. Needed Changes, Stakeholders and Barriers to Change The decades that followed ockefeller and Felony Offender made it clear that these laws were in dire need of change for a variety of reasons. Perhaps most importantly among the reasons for a need for change was the fact that many of those in need of recovery from drug addiction were instead being locked away in prison, burdening the justice system, breaking up families and torturing people with a definite disease. On the other side of the argument, however, barriers to change in these policies was led by staunch conservatives who, not realizing the many facets of drug addiction, were too fast to dismiss addicts as criminals who were only getting what some felt they deserved nysda.

In reality, however, there are effective solutions to the debate. Effective Solutions to the Debate…. References Current Developments in the Rockefeller Drug Laws. html The Rockefeller Drug Laws. cfm Drug Laws. One example of the kind of policy change that is being suggested by some in the particular war on Meth is the reduction of the ability of meth makers, especially large scale makers to realize the supplies of a small number of raw materials used to make the drug pseudoephedrine is quaaludes, as this drug was successfully removed from the radar screen by the banning of the chemicals used to make it, and this may be an option for all synthetic drugs. Reurer orks Cited Boulard, Garry.

Boyum, David, and Mark A. Organized Crime. Hanson, Gayle M. Works Cited Boulard, Garry. Drug Control "Prevention is better than cure" is an age-old and time-tested maxim. It has been proved correct in many different situations. None more so than in the area of drug abuse: it being far easier and more cost effective to prevent drug use than drug treatment. This essay explains why drug treatment is far more expensive than drug prevention. A study by the Lewin Group for the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimated the total economic cost of alcohol and drug abuse in the U. On the other hand,…. References "Alcohol and Drug Services Study ADSS Cost Study. The DASIS Report. Department of Health and Human Services.

htm 'NIDA InfoFacts: Costs to Society. html Keen, Judy. The agents then formalize a data which helps them to stop the drug trafficking in future. By the end of year , America's counter culture movement was at its peak and the trend of illegal drug use for the recreational purposes was rising. As far as the core mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration is concerned, it is to enforce the laws and regulations regarding the controlled substances and to bring the law breakers to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States. The Drug Enforcement Administration DEA operations are not only limited to the United States but its jurisdiction is across the world as a….

References DEA History. DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration. shtml DEA Mission Statement. shtml Drug Enforcement Administration DEA. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Kleiman, M. Encyclopedia of Drug Policy, Volume 1. USA: SAGE. Drug Law Reform Pro According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy ONDCP , the United States' policy on illegal drugs is threefold: stopping drug use before it starts, healing the country's drug users, and disrupting the market. The United States' war on drugs has been going on for at least the last three decades. Given the duration of this war, some have questioned the effectiveness of it, wondering if the money spent is really making a difference and bringing about results.

Actually, the effects of this policy on illegal drugs have been mixed. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA covering current and emerging trends in drug abuse for 21 major U. metropolitan areas, some drugs are decreasing in use while others are increasing. For example: C]rack accounted for a substantially greater percentage of primary admissions than powder cocaine in all [surveyed] sites. Bibliography InfoFacts Nationwide Trends. The National Institute on Drug Abuse. The Office of National Drug Control Policy. Drug and alcohol abuse is a serious problem among many young people for a variety of reasons. First, statistics show that drugs and alcohol are being abused by a large segment of the teen and young adult population, which can greatly increase their likelihood of a premature death.

Secondly, many things can happen to young adults that do not lead to death, but can ruin their lives. Finally, drug and alcohol abuse can have a serious impact on relationships with friends and family. According to the National Drug Statistics Summary, approximately 14 million Americans used illegal drugs in Among the teenagers interviewed for the survey, nearly ten percent had used drugs in the month before the interview. The findings for alcohol abuse were even higher. Nearly half of Americans over the age of twelve reported that they drank alcoholic beverages. This is a serious issue. First, the drugs in…. References Hafetz, David. Jacqueline and Amadeo: Chasing Hope. Austin American Statesman. February 13, National Drug Statistics Summary. Adolescent Substance Abuse Knowledge Base.

Third interesting fact reported in the reported is that looking into this demographic, it was found out that past month illicit drug abuse occurred most commonly among individuals aged to year-old. Among the underaged not of legal age group years old , marijuana abuse among females lowered this year, while this figure has increased by 0. Although there were distinct differences in the profile of drug users in terms of age group, gender, race, and even on the type of drug abuse, there were no distinct differences in the geographical locations of users, scattered among the following counties: large metropolitan, small metropolitan, non-metropolitan urbanized, and non-metropolitan less urbanized areas.

ork cited: Department of Health and Human Services. September Work cited: Department of Health and Human Services. In the age group of eighteen to twenty-five, over fifty-five percent reported having used drugs sometime in their lives. In terms of drugs of choice for high school seniors, nearly half of all drug users prefer marijuana, although such drugs as amphetamines, hallucinogens and ecstasy all report surprisingly high numbers also. What can be concluded from this study is that drug use begins at an early age, most often during one's high school years.

However, the statistics show, as the number of regular users drops off as they age, the trend is more towards experimentation and not creating a drug-dependent lifestyle. ibliography National Drug Threat Assessment: Marijuana Update. August Bibliography National Drug Threat Assessment: Marijuana Update. A research team led by Dr. Michael French gathered to estimate the costs and benefits of residential and publically funded treatment programs for addiction issues. The team was derived from the University of Miami. Program and the client related economic cost estimates were obtained using data collected at the site with the drug abuse treatment cost analysis program DATCAP. It was concluded that the economic benefit to society was almost four times what the cost of treating residential clients.

Short-term follow-up treatment was also beneficial and the economic benefit was even higher. Hanlon, T. The study reviews previous research on the correlation of drug use and criminal behavior resulting in arrest since Advances were noted in crime…. Lennings, C. This study's hypothesis was that alcohol use is a significant predictor of violent crime in committed by the youth. Researchers studied juveniles that had been incarcerated in the prison system of New South Wales. Most correlated with the onset of violent crimes was alcohol use followed by cocaine use.

The findings accounted for the correlation that exists between the use of substabce and aggressive, violent crime and so, further supported the "Goldstein hypothesis" which believes that substance abuse facilitates violent behavior directly. White, H. The report discussed the correlation of alcohol abuse, drug abuse, non-violent crime and violence concerning children who were abused and neglected during the course of their development through childhood. The study was longitudinal the subjects were studied over time into adulthood. It was found that abused and neglected females and males have a higher correlation in substance abuse and non-violent arrest. Abused and neglected females were found to be at a higher risk for both drug abuse or dependency diagnosis as well as arrests for violent crime.

Zarkin, G. Research examined prior studies that included the cost and benefits of methadone abuse treatment. These papers have often been written on single case studies. While valuable to society, the sample size limitation also limits the research because they view heightened problems as being able to be treated in one incident of treatment. A simulation model was created to embody the longitudinal study of the heroine use, criminal behavior, health care and employment of a population between the ages of It was found that the model which takes into account the dynamics of heroine use and views it as a, acute and reoccurring circumstance finds that the benefits of treatment using this model far outweigh those produced by static models.

The strongest argument against the thesis of the experiment relies in the fact that a religious mystical experience is placed on a spiritual rather than medical level and that the spirit is not necessarily determined by the actions of the brain, as a human organ. The spirit includes the way the brain act and the way the heart feels or the behavior of other organs in the body. For many scientists, including those that have performed the scientific experiment and including people like Tom Roberts, who in his book "Psychedelic Horizons" talks about the benefic effects of drugs on the brain in terms of exploring new states and experience new functions of the body otherwise hidden to the general audience.

For myself and numerous other individuals, the mystical experience cannot be related solely to the functionality of the brain or to the way the entire body is operating. If it…. Bibliography 1. Quantifying a Mystical Experience: Hallucinogenic Research Gets to Grips With Spirituality. July shtmlLast retrieved on September 26, 2. Mystical experiences. Last retrieved on September 25, 3. Book Review of "Psychedelic Horizons. Last retrieved on September 25, Quantifying a Mystical Experience: Hallucinogenic Research Gets to Grips With Spirituality. shtmlLast retrieved on September 26, Soon, Congress passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which was signed into law in Like the Harrison Act, the Marijuana Tax Act placed marijuana into the same category as the cocaine and opium drugs.

It was now illegal to import marijuana into the United States McWilliams, However, this law was ineffective in curbing marijuana use Brecher, , p. By the early s narcotic addiction had significantly reduced in the United States Harrison, Backenheimer and Inciardi, However, this was not the result of legislative initiatives. Instead, it was because World War II was cutting off the "supplies of opium from Asia and interrupt the trafficking routes from Europe" Inciardi, , p. Using drugs by a section of players compromises the credibility and integrity of the results Wilson, p. To maintain credibility and integrity, drugs should be banned.

Other players win after using drugs that have been prohibited. Here, the integrity of the results is compromised. The results obtained as a result of using prohibited drugs are illegitimate Warburton, p. Also, they lack authenticity. The spirit of any competition is to allow for a level playing where every player is given an opportunity to express his ability. A winner in such a competition is accepted by all the fans around the globe. When a winner is declared after using drugs, the value of the sport is reduced. Therefore, the value of the sport remains a major issue in any sport or competition. Additionally, good personalities are expected to be role models Browne, p.

Using drugs is prohibited and illegal. Allowing athletes to use drugs is itself an act of breaking the law. Good role models should obtain success through hard work and determination as opposed to using drugs Browne, p. In conclusion, drug use in sports should be based on the purpose of the drug. When the drug is used to enhance creativity, then it makes the sport interesting. However, these give the athletes a competitive advantage over the others. As such, the natural ability of the athletes is not properly rewarded. Additionally, drugs make the results of a competition to lack integrity and lose value.

The best way to ban using drugs is through a global organization. This institution should be equipped with excellent doping mechanisms to ensure that all the players are screened properly before participating in a competition. In addition, drug use in sports should be banned because of it adds a competitive advantage, and causes severe effects to the users. These effects include; it provides an avenue for some athletes to cheat, it compromises the credibility and integrity of the results and it is illegal. Warburton, C , The Economic results of prohibition, Columbia University Press, New York. Wilson, B , Hall overcomes cancer, then red tape to reach Olympics , Associated Press, London.

Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Drugs in sports. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents. Abstract Introduction Drugs should be used in sports Drugs should not be allowed in sports References. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Drugs in sports specifically for you! Not sure if you can write a paper on Drugs in sports by yourself? This essay on Drugs in sports was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly.

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